After the four hours flight, Ysha is back in England and the guards continue to guard her and walk into the car until they drive to the Broxter Bank, the guards told her where would she go and just help her ride the elevator. After the elevator, another woman greeted her and assist her into the director's office. "Sir, she's here now."
The secretary said and the director amusingly greeted me and said, "Amazing thank you Rose, I will help Ms. King this time." The door was closed and Ysha sit down, Ysha don't have time for the formality and said, "I don't like beating around the bush sir, perhaps, tell me why did you ask for me to visit you? Is there something wrong with my bank account?" The director suddenly stops moving and his breaths slow down and then he replied, "Well, of course not Ms. King, but we've wanted you to come here because your bank account is overflowing and we cannot somehow put money on it because we need your approval and signature for the transfer in another account. We also like you to know if you are going to use some for it to lessen even for a bit. You know a little charity or spend some of it."
Ysha drink the tea beside her and said, "So, that is it? You've wanted to see me because, I have overflowing money in my account and you want me to spend it so the money can flow again, is that right?" The director suddenly becomes quiet makes Ysha sigh and said, "Alright, I will look for some charity to donate to while I am in here and give some as donation in your bank. Give me a billion dollars and I'll try to spend it on transferring the other account where is your contract so I can sign it and I can leave now." The face of the director suddenly brightens again and said thank you to Ysha.
She signed the contract and the director look into it, "Your penmanship is amazing, Ms. King." "Thank you, I try to work on it." After signing, she shakes the hands of the director and said, "Pleasure doing business with you but of course, if I found out you are playing games with me, I'll find you even if I can't see you." The director gulped at what Ysha said so she laughed at him and said, "Ha Ha Ha, I am just kidding but please believe in what I said." Ysha was about to walk out when she smells someone familiar in the room and said, "I know who you are, and thank you for finding me but as a favor, I hope you keep this as a secret." Ysha nodded and the man behind the director smiled and nodded too. After she got out the man suddenly speak, "It's been a pleasure to see you again, your Highness." Theodore said.
Outside the bank, Ysha smells the air of England again. It's been a while and a lot of things happen when she tries to visit here. She uses her stick and walks down the sidewalk, visiting the store and touching things, listening to the noise of the traffic, the birds, and the children laughing. Then, she sits down near the fountain when she heard a radio near her.
She heard that the Queen and her special cadets has been helping different people in the country and the world, she smiled hearing it but got silent when the other news speak again, "Mr. Arthur King is about to marry in a month, but his manager said that the wedding will happen early this week because they said that they love each other. But of course, no one will believe it because Mr. King himself is not speaking about it. Will their wedding be the magical day in their life or it will become their nightmare? Find out soon in News 3LC."
After hearing the news, Ysha's mood suddenly changes, she becomes silent and uneasy. She walks into the phone booth and donates a million bucks to Blind Foundation, the Orphanage, and other organizations. Then, to continue her walk, she walks to the crosswalk and was waiting for the light to change. When a young woman who is running did not see the light so, Ysha block the stick in the woman's body and the woman look at her. She saw that she was about to cross the road and was saved by Ysha.
"Oh, thank you for the help miss, I am sorry I was not paying attention, do you mind if I help you cross the road?" Ysha look at her and smiled, "No, but thank you for the offer, I will be alright." The light changed again into red for the car to stop and people can cross the road. Ysha walk alone pointing the stick at the ground when the rain started to pour. People run as fast as they could to hide their selves from the rain, but Ysha continue to walk and cried behind the rain. After crossing the road, Ysha heard that someone is calling her. She looks to her right listening behind her but ignores it and walks away. The man stops shouting when Ysha left and he looks at the card she forgot. On the card, Ysha wrote her name as Amelia Brook with a signature behind it.

Ficción GeneralAs the world move forward and life and death continues. I am one of the few people who lived by different names and places. I can be your friend, enemy, fugitive, protector, a daughter, or even a lover. But the thing is I don't grow old, I am living...