Chapter 4: Get going

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"Hey wake up...wakey-wakey! " Groggily open his eyes he jump up in fright at the Koffing looming over him.

Chuckled in amusement Karter floats out of John personal space as he goes out the door.

"Let's go to the mess hall, Tilda is awaiting for both of us there."

Walking to the mess hall John saw other teams sitting together with berries on their plates.

Tilda waved them over to sit at the two seats she save for them, John sit down and looks at the other teams.

He saw team Pluto again, but it seem their mind are being occupied by something with how worried they looks. Falia seems so saddened with how her tail was laying limply on the floor being dragged about as she walk.

Diggersby stood up when he saw that every recruits are present, he announced "Unfortunately the guildmaster can't join us for he is currently having a meeting with other guildmasters "

Every teams muttered in puzzlement at that fact until Diggersby quietened them down, he continued.

"You all heard news about the bizarre being that have been appearing recently yes?"

Every team rapid attention was on theirs second-in-command with bated breath.

"They are called Ultra Beast and have been appearing randomly around different region so be careful on your future missions, each teams will all be given these devices. It will help in alerting to you all when an Ultra Wormholds is appearing near your location "

Diggersby taking out a Pokégear and hand out to each members their individual Pokégear

John stare at the purple advanced wristwatch given to him and saw that Koffing and Mankey have a green and red one just like him.

Though Karter green one seems to be a badge instead.

"These will help you contact eachother and the guilds. There are also other functions in it too but I think it would be more exciting for you all to figure them out for yourself " Duron laughed in mirth.

"Every team will also be given a medical kit and the best part..."

Diggersby seems actually excited making everymon excitingly anticipating what next to come.

" The Beast Ball ! Its only work for Ultra Beast so don't think you can mess with others got that" Duron holding out a small blue ball with two rings surrounding it on each side diagonally with special design out for everymon to see.

Pokemon around was confused and doubtful about the devices. It was nothing like they had seen before

John on the other hand actually do know about those, he seen some videos about the Ultra Beast before . Their design was unique and really cool but too bizarre honestly, Buzzwole was the first one he actually saw when scrolling for video to watch.

John knew something is wrong as he continued to listen to Diggersby explanation.


"Wow these can actually do that, awesome!" Tilda elated said looking at the 5 Beast Ball in her hands

The Mankey jiggled them around while jumping about, Koffing sweat drop and proceed to looks at the mission board.

"Hey you guys look at these strange mission!" Karter cry out to the Rattata and Mankey.

Putting away the Beast Ball the Mankey walk up to take a look.

"Huh?" Tilda bewildered, look at each missions in surprise.

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