Chapter 9: A piece of my mind

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"No promisese, torture never end well. Mental stability huh, what's that? never heard of it" Garchomp fake ignorant in mockery.

"haha true, you sadistic bastard"

"I'm gonna kill that menace of a Riolu."

"A bit bloodthirsty for revenge I see, seriously don't kill him as we need him."

"What about torture ?"

"That's okay just don't go overboard again"

"Hell yeah !"

*John's* P.o.V

This is a nice detour we just happens to step upon.

I glace around the flower field which cover everything.

Such a picturesque scene almost make me smile.


The cluster of Eevee with their Eons line living in the giant tree was a big surprise ... If only they would just disappear. Thats would be nice

"What the... Let me see that would you" Karter beckoned to Tilda, who hold the map out for him to peek at. "We're in the forbidden route to Unova's... Why haven't you said anything ?!"

Is this some common knowledge that I didnt know about?

Gawked Tilda" When was it forbidden, it's the fastest route tho!?"

"Well no, it's not really forbidden ... It just that the Pokemon here doesn't welcome outsider anymore" Looking at Tilda with a tired look he mumble out

"At least that's what I heard anyway..." The fact he believe a rumor without evidences confuse me alot.

Can you really believe what rumors say without it being exaggerated in someway?

" Aren't they just Eevee, why the hassle to forbid us from being here?" I ask.

Karter look up contemplating his life, sighing he inform them "Rumors says that the Eevee's evolution line here have done many morally-questionable behavior so they are hiding it by blocking any outsider out"

"Some brave Pokemon even try to sneak in to see if that's true but inevitably they got caught before getting deep into the village" Karter sigh

How did Karter even know that, Its there some newpapers going on about daily topic in Kalos or something?

With Tilda racking her brain cluelessly, I myself was curious about how such dog-fox like Pokemon had such a bad reputation here.

"Is this only in Kalos?" I look at the small baby Eevee's with their chubby furry body jumping about and seriously it's unimaginable that they were heinous in anyway.

"Precisely only here do we have Eevee's that are know on other region for their friendliness be rumored to be a bunch of lunatic who cannibalise on other mon's instead"

Don't Pokemon eat other Pokemon here or is that just me being ignorant again?

"That's not normal?"

"Where the heck would that be normal. Do humans often cannibal on their own kind?!" latter cry out in shock.

" But does it happen often though?" I strongly believe that it's actually normal and Karter was just a prude about the subject.

Tilda nod "Yeah, but it's only happens in the wild. In big cities it's banned to eat others"

"Isn't there like, I don't know predator Pokemon who have to eat meat ?" Am pretty sure Pokemon is in someway similar to animal.

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