Chapter 11: Little bit of fun

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"By any chance you seen a do一 Riolu around here?" Garchomp suddenly ask.

"Did you almost say dog? Oh yeah i did saw him"

Garchomp smirk widen " Really now where? " John ignore the menacing aura coming from Garchomp as he lead him to where the knocked out Riolu was. Not seeing the bloodthirsty eyes of the Garchomp.


Whistle in amazement, Garchomp loom over the unmoving body of Riolu. "Well aren't you just pathetic. I will gladly end you tho" Raising his scythe, ready to kill off the menace. Only to pause when John block him, puzzled Garchomp raise an eye brow at that.

"No, you can't kill him!" John jumped forward, getting in the way. Earning a 'why not' from Garchomp.

"He's a dog, how can you go kill off a dog dude! " John huffed.


"What haha you can't be serious ." He jokingly said while pooking John.

"I'm very serious I don't want him dead. You can hurt him but don't end him!"

"...Then I won't kill him. If you kiss me" Garchomp smirk, daring John.

John raise an eyebrow "That's unreasonable no way" dismissing the dare, he challenge Garchomp " Beside you clearly want the Riolu for something so he must be important. Can you kill him knowing so? "

Grumbling, Garchomp remember off handedly that his captain did said to capture the Riolu alive. Sigh in frustration, he pick up the Riolu by stabbing it hood roughly in revenge.

"Your no fun" Garchomp whine.

"Don't blame me when your joke's terrible" John bark out.

A peck land on John head as he quickly turn to look at an innocent Garchomp.

" Your teeths sharp don't surprise me like that !"


John uneasy, looked at the Cofagrigus who's lecturing Garchomp upon seeing the state of their captive.

But hey, what the hell. After that mental freak out, he been feeling much calmer than should be.

"Fucking not killing him my ass. What's this! He's not breathing?!" Cofagrigus scream as he try to save the little Riolu.

"Huh strange, he was alive earlier. Oh well~" Carefree as ever, Garchomp shrug.

"You dropped him" John pointed out, sitting beside the now dead to the world, Riolu.

" These aren't meant for holding tho Gah!一" Cofagrigus throw a rock at Garchomp.

"Motherfucker shut up! You there the Rattata. Get over here" John came over sweaty as he follows the Cofagrigus demand and do chest compressions.

"Useless, you're useless so don't get in the way!" Garchomp stay back letting the two try and rescue the Riolu.

Stomping can be heard coming over " Hey! How's the一 Uh, what are they doing?" The voice point at the two currently surrounding the unconscious Riolu.

Garchomp roll his eyes " Saving the Riolu"

"But why? He's our enemy"

"That's what I mean!"

" My patient is running thin with your stupidity, it doesn't matter if he's an enemy. He dies HERE and we will not be able to complete ours goal " Cofagrigus sneer, ignoring Garchomp whining "Where even is Roxa, she been gone for a long while?"

"Hey... Can I一" John mumble "Don't just stop, the Riolu life is on the line here" Cofagrigus nagged.

The Typhlosion chuckled " Said she be checking on something over at her hometown.." He cheekily add in "Haha, probably going to that off-color Gengar now"

"Hmm why?"

"Oh, you don't know? Tsk how ignorant. Roxa going after her crush" Mock Garchomp.

"I一 didn't know that" Cofagrigus stuttered in shock. "When ?"

"Remember that Kartana? Well一" Typhlosion inform.

John under pressure tune out all the sound around him. His arms was so sore from the continues chest compression.

" Give me a break please!" John shout after hours has past by caught the trio attention.

" It seem it's pointless to saves the Riolu after all. " Cofagrigus gone back to check on how John's doing, shake in frustration until a coughing sound make him look back intently at Riolu.

Struggling to get up, Riolu groans "Ah一 water, Gah-! " A rock fly out, knocked down the Riolu.

John unamuse, stare at Garchomp who had on an innocent face.

Garchomp doged Cofagrigus wrath by reminding the other of the still injured Riolu.

"Stop trying to kill the dog, I'm not doing chest crompession again! " John ran over to kick at Garchomp feets which caused laughter to pour out of Garchomp.
Garchomp mischievous, said " No, Why even bother. Let him die peacefully" In response Typhlosion elbow Garchomp in the ribs " Grr, I'm just kidding" Rubbing his rib he complain.

"I want to go to Unova... Can you help me" Blankly looking, John ask.

"Sure, I'll help you out" Garchomp let John climb up his arm.

Typhlosion cross his arms said."Get back soon, we still had to find Treecko."

Garchomp sigh "She's still missing? what give"

Typhlosion shrug, going off to help Cofagrigus.

" Why do you hate Riolu so much?"John ask suddenly.

Garchomp mumble, taking off into the sky "It's complicated"


I blink at the sight of islands after only seeing blue sea for a long while.

"There's Unova. Your team intend to be here for the challenge, yeah ?" Garchomp comment.

I nod before my Pokégear start to ring. Picking it up, Tilda scream come through the device.

"It's finally working! Karter, get over here. Stop brooding" Tilda yell.

"Thanks Mew, your not dead一"

"Where are you?" Tilda ask.

"I'm in Unova" John look back to the region. Ignoring Garchomp quiet mumble.

"How did you get there so fast, it's quite far"

"Garchomp helped me get over here. By the way, where are YOU ?"

" Uh, Things are in a real pickle at the moment, I'm afraid一"

" Binsa help us escape prison" Tilda inform.

Confuse, I was about to comment on it. Garchomp beat me to it "That Dedenne actually helps someone? Wow, amazing"


" Why you gotta be so sarcastic all the time" I pat Garchomp head.

Yo! Thanks for reading 💖

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