Chapter 6: Strange things

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It's seem something is wrong in the guild cause when team Vex return they saw each members of team Pluto unconscious with bad injuries littering every part of their body being carried pass them to the infirmary.

The other team seems not much better, in fact all the recruits are wounded one way or the other. Some with only bruises to other with major mutilation.

The Nurse Pokemon are frantic with the amount of Pokemon on theirs hand running around healing everymon that need it.

Tilda gasped at the grim sights that greated them.

The guildmaster was currently bloody and bruises too as he was currently being treated by a Chansey and strange enough he is having a friendly conversation with a Garbodor.

John heard some Pokemon murmured about something like the Guildmaster fight with a Pheremosa?

John honestly don't remember hearing about that Pokemon before.

Duron the Diggersby seem agitated as he make a beeline for team Vex causing them to be nervous as he came closer his expression doesn't get any better.

"Please in the name of Mew, tell me that you bunch didn't break your Pokégear too-" Duron whispered but then swear to himself as he saw the missing Pokégear on Karter

"Of course your team did, great... at least only one was broken. Not counting the other teams thats is...Fantastic!" Muttered the Diggersby.

What with the sass. Aren't you the second-in-command, act like it.

"Hey what did you expect to happen, each day is a risk to our life being an exploration team and you only care about this piece of metal bro!" Tilda offended cry out.

"You right, I shoulde have think that through..." Muttered Duron

Karter deadpan, he wasn't expecting anything nice coming from this shady Diggersby .

John knew where this was going and try to intervene before an all out shouting match happen.

"Hey guys-"

"I should have lower my expectations and don't carelessly hand over these expensive equipment to rookie like you"

Gasped in a dramatic manner the Mankey said" Thats seem more like a you problem so don't put on this high and mighty act when you also have flaws"

"Tilda-" Karter try to stop her but get ignored.

"Would you rather the devices to survive over us lowly rookies, isn't the purpose of its is to help us or was that just all a big lie? I thought you were better"

Diggersby glared at Tilda but she didn't back down in fact she glared back with feisty eyes.

Diggersby calmly walk away grumbling about disrespectful youth not even bother that everymon around can still hear him.

John doesn't like the attention that his team was getting so he suggested they go claim the mission reward and go find somewhere to eat.

Done receiving their pay, the trio split its up equally to one another they agreed to meet at the water fountain at the town plaza in the afternoon seeing as it still morning .

Weird, it feels like i have been in that Mystery Dungeon for a hold day.

Tilda grumpy about the second-in-command attitude toward their team said she have to go fetch some stuff.

But John knew it was more than that as he saw Karter following her with a anxious face, he knew they were friends for a long time with how they act around eachother.

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