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Ronnie walked into her English class after making a detour by her locker to get the books she'd need for that class.

She walks in and of course, everyone looks at her but Ronnie walks in her head held high like the stares aren't even bothering her even though they are since she can now literally hear what everyone thinks about her having all the attention on her isn't all that fun but she's not gonna let on like it bothers her.

The teacher looks at her "Ms. Swan, welcome back"

She hands her slip to the teacher forcing a smile at him "thank you, Mr. Austin" 

The teacher Mr. Austin nods "alright now why don't you find a seat" Ronnie looks around the room and sees an empty seat beside Emmett even though she doesn't know his name yet.

Ronnie walks over and drops her bag on the floor sitting her books on the desk and she sits down, not even looking at him.

She is looking forward, trying to focus on the teacher but she is being bombarded with the thoughts of those around her. Emmett notices her close her eyes and start rubbing her temples he decides to talk to her "are you okay?" 

Ronnie nods not opening her eyes "yeah just got a headache coming on... I'll be alright"

Ronnie closes her eyes tighter than they were before as the thoughts she's hearing gets louder, especially the ones about her and the fire and the ones that think she started the fire she can feel her skin start to heat up slightly and she knows that means her eyes are going to start glowing if she doesn't calm down and get out of there.

Emmett goes to talk to her again but Ronnie grabs her bag and shoots out of her seat basically running out of the room. She ends up sitting on the front stairs of the school distancing herself from everybody which helps calm her down she pulls her phone out and flips the camera on and she notices her eyes are going back to normal.

She's so lost in her own head that she doesn't hear the footsteps approach her until they speak "are you sure you're okay?"

She shakes her head and notices the guy from her English class that she sits beside and nods "yeah"

He sits down on the stairs beside her with a smile "I'm Emmett by the way. Why are they all staring at you and whispering?"

Ronnie looks at him and sighs "I'm Veronica and six months ago there was a fire and I was trapped in the house with three other people they died and I didn't they found me when the fire department got there and put the flames out I was unconscious and they said I didn't have a single burn on my body like the flames never even touched me, I became the town freak show after that, so that's why they're staring and whispering." She blows out a breath "it got so bad after it happened that my dad pulled me out of school and let me finish my junior year through online classes today is my first day back since then."

Emmett looks at the girl for a moment "I'm sorry"

Ronnie sighs again looking at the vampire beside her "I don't know why I just told you all of that... it's not something that I like to talk about but at this point, the whole town knows about the fire and everyone thinks I'm a freak now... they call me the fire freak..... well everyone besides my dad, my so-called friends all think I'm freak and won't even talk to me... I'm pretty sure that half if not all of the upperclassmen think I started the fire... which isn't even possible by the way, since it started in the kitchen and we were upstairs when it started."

Emmett looks at the redhead "I'm sure it's not that bad."

Ronnie rolls her eyes with a slight scoff "oh no trust me they all think I'm a freak.... don't ask how I know that but I just know."

Emmett looks at her curiously then he grins at her "alright then Veronica, everyone thinks that my family are a bunch of freaks too so why don't you sit with us at lunch and you won't be so alone on that front and I'll introduce you to them."

Ronnie smiles at him "call me Ronnie and are you sure about that? What about the rest of your family will they be okay with it?"

Emmett nods at her "okay Ronnie and yeah I'm sure about that and well they can get over it if they're not"

Ronnie smiles looking him in the eye for the first time "thank you for being so nice to me even though you don't know me"

The bell rings before he can say anything else "Come on then let's go to lunch then" he stands up offering her a hand and she smiles taking it letting him pull her up and even through his stone-cold skin Emmett can slightly feel the heat coming from the girl's hand.

He smiles to himself not letting go of her hand as they walk towards the cafeteria he stops looking at her "you ready for this Ronnie?"

She smiles at his concern "I think so... but I might have to make a rather quick exit again if I start feeling overwhelmed."

He nods at her "I got you Ronnie" she can't help but smile as he opens the door.

All eyes are on the Swan girl once again but this time its because she's with a Cullen he steers her towards the table that the rest of his family is at Alice and Jasper both smile at the girl while Rosalie glares, Damon gives her a nod of acknowledgment and Edward doesn't even look at her. He sits her in the empty seat beside his seat.

Emmett notices the way she clenches her jaw but he doesn't know that it's because of all the thoughts bombarding her brain from the students around her.

One thought in particular really set her on edge making her anxiety skyrocket once again.

"Oh look the other freaks befriended the fire freak"

Ronnie bites down on the inside of her lip at that one she can feel her skin heating up once again and she screws her eyes shut so that no one would see the orange color her eyes glow now when she gets worked up. She really wished that she knew what was happening to her. 

Emmett sat back down beside the Swan girl sitting a tray of food in front of her as well as sitting one down in front of himself "Ronnie?" But she doesn't respond so he lays a hand on her arm only to pull it back "Damn Ronnie you're burning up" that catches his family's attention because they usually don't feel the heat like that.

She suddenly feels a wave a calm wash over her like a blanket wrapping around her she feels her skin cool down again meaning her eyes are back to normal she opens them and looks at Emmett "I'm sorry"

Emmett looks at the girl "it's okay Ronnie"

She sighs talking without actually thinking about what she's saying "some of them I can block out but others still come through."

Emmett looks at her even more intrigued and a little confused, "block what out Ronnie?"

She looks him in the eye and mutters so low that he barely heard it "the voices"

I already love these two together so much and they only just met. My poor baby doesn't even know what's happening to her yet. 

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