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Everyone is looking at the mother and daughter but Carlisle is the one to ask the question in everyone but Emmett's mind because Ronnie told Emmett about it "what is going on here?"

Veronica crosses her arms "well to put it simply, she's my mother." Carlisle nodded having noticed the similarities between the two but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. 

Valerie sighs look at the blonde Dr. "when you said you thought you had a Phoenix I had my suspicions that it was my daughter but I wanted to confirm my suspicions before I mentioned it" she looks at Ronnie "I knew you'd be upset because you do get your temper from me so I thought it best to just show up."

Ronnie narrows her eyes "yeah well I wouldn't have freaked out so much if I'd had a little bit of a warning of what to expect."

Valerie nods "Okay that is fair so wanna tell me what started all of this?"

Ronnie sighs but nods "okay so it started seven months ago, about halfway through my junior year, I was being a teenager you know? I snuck out to go to this party and we were playing truth or dare you know typical teenage party stuff and me, along with three other people got dared to be locked in a closet for 20 minutes but the closet didn't have a lock so they barricaded it with a chair and I don't know exactly what happened but a fire started in the kitchen and the four of us got left to die in that closet with no way out they died and I didn't or well maybe I did but the Pheonix in me activated and it's why I survived without a single mark on me. They said that the closet we were in was burnt worse than the room that the fire started in"

Valerie nods at her daughter "Death is the only way to activate the Phoenix and I am sorry Ronnie that I wasn't there to teach you about it, so you could have been prepared for it... have you figured out your ability yet? Every Phoenix has a unique ability, set apart from the typical abilities of a Pheonix"

Ronnie looks at her "can you elaborate on the typical abilities of a Phoenix?"

The older brunette smiles "of course, Ronnie so first is Spontaneous Combustion, which is why you get really hot when you get worked up, and once you learn how to control that you can use it to incinerate anything with just a single touch. You are immortal now when the Phoenix awoke you became immortal, now there are ways to kill a Phoenix but it's extremely difficult. Invulnerability, Superhuman Strength, and Rapid Regeneration, you can heal from any and all nonfatal wounds. Teleportation that's a little self-explanatory. With practice, you can shapeshift into an actual phoenix and those are the typical abilities of a Phoenix. My unique ability is Astral Projection"

Ronnie looks at her mom, nodding at her "well then I have two, unique abilities."

Valerie looks at her surprised "what?"

The younger Pheonix nods "Yeah, Telepathy and Telekinesis"

The older redhead, gave her an impressed look "Wow... you really are special Ronnie that's not supposed to happen, your only supposed to have one unique ability"

Edward looks between the two "Her telepathy is strong enough to block me from being able to read her mind all I hear when I try is static" 

Valerie nods at the bronze-haired Cullen "Okay interesting," then she looks at her daughter "come on we are going to test your abilities to see what you need to work on the most and we can use this time to catch up a little."

Ronnie nods "okay mom." she might have been upset at first and may still be a little upset but she understood now her mom was trying to protect her. 

Valerie smiles offering Ronnie her hand, the younger Phoenix takes it and then the room around them fades and they are in a completely different location.

After the two disappeared Carslile looked at his son "well that was interesting, to say the least"

Emmett grins "I knew it, I knew she wasn't human.... didn't expect her to be a Phoenix but I knew she wasn't human."

Rose looks at Emmett "Why did you wait to bring up that she wasn't human if you knew?" 

He turns to the blonde "simple Rose I wanted to see if I could figure out what was going on and maybe be able to give her some answers but that's taken care of now."

The blonde rolled her eyes walking out of the room with her mate right behind her but not before he smirked at his brother "It seems your little mate is gonna be a little badass" then the black-haired vampire walked out after his mate.

Emmett grinned at that he couldn't agree more, Carlisle looked at his adopted son "have you told her about that yet?"

Emmett shakes his head "not yet I didn't want to overwhelm her too much so I figured I'd save that for another time" the blonde doctor nods "okay but you should do it soon before someone else lets it slip... you know how your sisters are."

Emmett nods with a chuckle "I'll tell her when I take her home after her training session with her mom." 

Alice smiles skipping over to her brother and hugging him, "Don't worry Em... I've already seen it happen and everything will be just fine" he smiles at the pixie-like vampire as she skips out of the room.

Okay, so my plans for Ronnie are for her to be the most powerful Phoenix to be born so you can expect her to develop more powers as we get further into the story (: just a little bit of a warning there, and next, we get to see some bonding between Ronnie and her mom.

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