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After PE Ronnie had her French class which she didn't have Emmett in but Rosalie and Damon were both in it so she wasn't completely on her own since the two girls were slowly becoming friends.

The young Pheonix decided to try and see if that thing that happened in PE with her Emmett would happen again even though they were on opposite ends of the school 'Hey Em?' it's quiet for a moment before she hears 'Hey babe... trying out your new telepathy thing?' That made her smile to herself 'Yep wanted to see if it would work from a distance and would you look at that it does.'

The blonde vampire noticed the faraway look in the young phoenix's eye and nudged her lightly to bring her back to the present, she whispered "what was that about Ronnie?" 

The redhead smiled at her and whispered back "I think I found a new telepathy-based power and I was just testing it from a distance"

Damon leaned forward and looked around Rose "really now? what is it?"

"I'll explain it later when I can tell everyone about it at the same time so I don't have to repeat myself" 

The dark-haired vampire smirked at her "all right then"

After school Emmett met Ronnie outside of her class and wrapped his arm around her shoulder "are you coming to the house or am I taking you home?"

Ronnie smiled at him as they got to his Jeep she leaned up pecking him on the lips "your place, I texted my mom and told her to meet us there I want to talk to her and Carlisle about the thing that happened in Gym"

He nodded at her opening the passenger door for her "okay then" after he closed the door he headed around the car climbing into the driver seat.

Valerie was already at the Cullen's place when Emmett and Ronnie got there, the older Pheonix looked at her daughter as soon as the couple entered the living room "What is it sweetheart?" by now the rest of the Cullens are in the living room as well.

Ronnie sighed "well in PE today, something happened and I think I discovered a new telepathy-based power... I was across the gym and I heard one of Emmett's thoughts and I was just kinda not even thinking about what I was doing thought a reply back to him and he heard it, like it was projected to him or something it was weird and then I tried it again only this time we were on the opposite end of the school and it still worked, he heard it..."

Valerie is quiet for a moment looking at her daughter "Have you tried it with anyone else?"

Ronnie shook her head "No, just Emmett"

Carlisle nodded "well why don't you try it out with someone else and let's see if we can't figure out what's going on"

Ronnie nodded at him "Alright, then" She turns her head towards Alice and Rose 'Alice, Rose can either of you hear this?'

"Did either of you get that?" Both girls shake their heads "No"

"Sorry but no"

Ronnie furrows her brows together before thinking again but this to Emmett 'I think this might be something just between the two of us Em since no one else can hear me ' He smirked saying his response out loud "You know what babe I think you may be right about that."

Everyone looks at them and Ronnie says it again but out loud this time "I told him that I think it might be something just between us, since no one else can hear me when I think of them like that"

Carlisle looks at her for a moment thinking "Well it could be that with your already powerful telepathy and the bond that is forming between you and Emmett, it could have activated like a telepathic link between the two of you that and that could be why no one else heard the thoughts but Emmett did."

Valerie nodded agreeing with the blonde vampire "What he said does make sense Ronnie, your telepathy is the strongest that I have encountered if we keep training it the way we have been then you could do a lot of things with just your telepathy"

The young Pheonix nodded "Okay well then that answers that question... So what are we doing now?"

Valerie smiled at her "we could get some training in with your powers if you want Ronnie?" the girl smirked at her mother "I'm down for that" then she looked at her boyfriend and his 'siblings' "you guys wanna watch?"

Emmett grinned at her "Hell Yeah"

So it ended up being, Emmett, Rose, Damon, Alice, and Jasper that went with Ronnie and her mom for the training session on her powers this will be the first time that four out of the five vampires have seen Ronnie use her powers.

Ronnie smirked handing her phone and stuff to Emmett "you guys might want to take a few steps back for this one"

The five vampires do as she suggested and stepped back a few steps while Ronnie stood in the middle of the field she concentrated and showed them her Phoenix Aura also known as her Psionic Firebird when used as an attack.

Her eyes glowed bright orange before she was engulfed in flames that shoot up in the shape of a Phoenix.

The four that hadn't seen her do this before were watching her almost in awe because it does have a certain beauty to it. Ronnie rolled her neck after the Aura disappeared "Now that was the way to start off, it also helps me to channel my anger and just let it out in a healthy way."

Valerie nodded at her daughter "Alright I thought we could start with working on your Telekinesis Ronnie... I've been doing some research into it and there are several things that you should be able to do using your Telekinesis with practice."

The young Phoenix grinned at her "alright then let's do it"

The older Phoenix nodded "alright so first I thought we could start with a force field."

Ronnie gave her a look "I can make a telekinetic force field? Awesome."

Valerie laughed "yes Ronnie you might not get it on the first try but with practice, you will be able to telekinetically put up a force field." So they spent the majority of the afternoon with Ronnie working on the force field. 

Here we are Chapter 12, I am doing one more chapter in part one then we will get into Twilight. Ronnie found out about her Mind Link with Emmett and new power.

Phoenix {Emmett Cullen} SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now