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The mother-daughter duo landed deep in the woods away from all signs of civilization. Valerie looks at Ronnie "now we are far enough away that no one will notice anything so first lesson, I want you to flame up, I want you to get angry and don't stop it I want you to let it happen after you do it fully the first time it gets easier to control."

Ronnie nods "okay" then she closes her eyes to focus letting all the thoughts that she hears from her classmates and former friends drift into her mind about her being a freak and about the fire and then she starts getting angry at how they think she could have started it when she was locked in a closet with no way out and her mother steps back a little noticing the way Ronnie's skin cracks slightly as her eyes snap open glowing orange then Ronnie is engulfed in flames.

Ronnie nods "okay" then she closes her eyes to focus letting all the thoughts that she hears from her classmates and former friends drift into her mind about her being a freak and about the fire and then she starts getting angry at how they think ...

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Once the girl flames down and her mother smiled at her "that was great Ronnie you did amazing for your first combustion

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Once the girl flames down and her mother smiled at her "that was great Ronnie you did amazing for your first combustion." 

The young phoenix looks at her mother with a smile stretched across her face "I feel so much better now"

Valerie smiles back at her "after the first time it isn't itching to come out as bad as before which makes it easier to control, meaning that getting worked up won't bring it out as bad but you still need to be careful Ronnie but it won't be as bad now."

Ronnie grins "what's next?"

Valerie smiles at her again "okay, let's go with teleportation next, it's the easiest ability to master and you should have it down with just using it a few times" 

The young phoenix nods "okay then so what I just picture where I want to go in my mind and then poof I'm there?" 

The older phoenix chuckles "yes Ronnie that is the simplified version of how that works so go on and give it a shot but for your first time I wouldn't go more than a few feet until you get the hang of it"

Ronnie nods "okay then let's do it" she closes her eyes again to focus and she pictures it in her mind and then in a flash of orange light she teleports five feet away from where they were standing she lands on her feet and opens her eyes, smiling triumphantly.

Then she focuses and teleports back beside her mom.

"Now go further but still within the area" the young phoenix nods and teleports 15 feet away from where her mother is standing and back "Good, now that you've got it down a little bit go even further and back, and then you should be ready to go wherever you want using your teleportation" Ronnie grins doing as she was told. She teleported 50 feet away and back.

"So I can test it by going anywhere I want?"

Valerie chuckles "Yes Ronnie anywhere you want"

The younger phoenix grins at her mother "be right back" she pictures the place in her mind and focuses on going there and grin triumphantly when she lands on the top of the Statue of Liberty, Ronnie's always wanted to go to New York. She snaps a selfie and then takes a picture of the view and grins landing right back beside her mother. "That was awesome"

"Where'd you go?" 

Ronnie grins "New York." then she pulls her phone out and shows her the pictures.

Valerie laughs "Now that you've got that down, I think that is good enough for today's lesson on your phoenix abilities"

Ronnie nods "Okay... you're gonna stick around right mom?" 

The older Pheonix smiles "Of course I am Ronnie, I'm gonna make it up to you for not being here for the past 12 years" 

Ronnie pulls her mom into a hug "I've missed you mom."

Valerie hugs her back "I missed you too baby but I thought that it would be safer to stay away from you but obviously, I was wrong and I should have been here to teach you about all of this before it happened."

Ronnie nods "you're here now mom so that's all that matters now." 

Valerie smiles "that's right Ronnie"

Then Ronnie smiles "Can I teleport us back?"

Valerie nods "Sure"

Ronnie grabs her mom's arm and focuses on the Cullen living room and they disappear in a swirl of orange light and reappear in the living room of the Cullen's house with the same swirl of light.

Jasper and Emmett who were playing a video game looked up hearing them land in the house, Emmett grins "how was it?" 

Ronnie looks at him grinning back "awesome... I feel so much better now that I combusted for the first time as mom called it"

Emmett nods at her "You seem lighter just looking at you" She smiles joining the two boys on the couch watching them play Call of Duty resuming her position from earlier with her legs kicked across Emmett's lap while Jasper kicks his ass in the game.

The annoyed look on Emmett's face at losing for the 10th time in a row makes Ronnie laugh, he rolls his eyes looking at her "you wanna try and beat him?" 

Ronnie smirks taking the controller out of Emmett's hand "it'd be my pleasure to dethrone Mr. Winning Streak here."

Rosalie and Damon walk back into the room, well more like Damon drug his mate down hearing Emmett offer the controller to Ronnie "this should be good" 

Ronnie looks at him with a smirk "You think I can't do it?"

Damon looks at the phoenix "Never said that... I just said this was gonna be good"

Ronnie switches into her competitive mode now even though she hasn't played this game in months, she was always the COD Queen, she pretty much set every online high score.

She pulls up the online stats before they start the match and Ronnie smirks seeing her name still lined up across the leader board 'CODQUEENV' That is her tag because it's true. "let's do this" they start the match.

The other Cullen's and Valerie ended up back in the room watching Jasper and Ronnie playing the video game and right now they are neck to neck with the same amount of kills and the next kill wins the round.

Ronnie smirks getting the win "Ohh I just sniped your ass.... 360 no scope" they are all staring at her in shock because none of them have been able to beat him well the only ones that have even tried to beat Jasper are Damon, Emmett, and Rosalie. Because none of the rest of them had an interest in the video game.

Ronnie is grinning smugly "YES! The Queen still reigns supreme" they all look at her amused even Jasper looks amused at her actions.

I had to make my girl a gamer XD. Welp next chapter we get Emmett telling Ronnie about them being mates. 

Phoenix {Emmett Cullen} SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now