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Ronnie smiled as her father popped his head into her room "I'm picking Bella up from the airport soon I'm leaving in 30 minutes you coming with me?"

"I'd love to come with you but I'm studying with Emmett we have an English test tomorrow and then after that I'm training with mom, the studying I could put off and not do but training with mom I have to go to that so I'll see you guys when you get back. Love you."

Charlie nodded at her it took some getting used to but Charlie now understands what happened to Ronnie and he knows that her training sessions with her mother help to keep her in control of her powers so he knows that she can't miss them "alright, love you too Ronnie."

After her dad walked out of her room Ronnie gathered up everything she'd need for studying with Emmett as well as training with her mom. There was a horn honked from outside as Ronnie made her way downstairs, she kissed her dad on the cheek "that would be Emmett just let me know when you get home with Bella and I'll come straight home after I'm done with mom."

He nodded at her kissing her on the head "you got it, Ronnie." Then the young Phoenix ran out of the house to where her boyfriend was waiting by the Jeep. He leaned down lightly kissing her "Hi gorgeous"

Ronnie laughed and pressed up on her toes "Hi there handsome." Then she kissed him again. Once she pulled back he opened the passenger door for her "M'lady"

She laughed climbing into his Jeep "thank you my kind sir." He shut the door letting out a booming laugh as he rounded the Jeep climbing into the driver seat. Ronnie fastened her seat belt before he pulled out of her driveway and headed back to his place. So they could study for their English test tomorrow.


Charlie has just picked Bella up from the airport and they were at his police cruiser the 17-year-old looked at her father "Where's Ronnie?" She had hoped her sister would have come with their dad to pick her up. 

"She wanted to come but she has an English test tomorrow so she had to study."

Bella nodded "oh okay." She was a little disappointed that she didn't come but she understood why, so she'd just get to see Ronnie when they got to the house. 


Ronnie had attempted to study with Emmett but he kept distracting her so they didn't get a lot of studying done.

Ronnie was just finishing up her training with Valerie who smiled at the young Phoenix "you still have quite a lot of work to do but you're doing really well Ronnie. Since you have more control over the Phoenix aura now next time we'll work on teaching you to control the psionic firebird which you will control through your telepathy."

Ronnie nodded with a grin "sweet" she has wanted to try it since she was told that she would be able to do it but Valerie said she wasn't in control enough to attempt it at the time.

The mother-daughter duo said their goodbyes and Ronnie got a text from her father saying that they were home and so she closed her eyes and imagined her room in her head and used her teleporting ability to land in her room.

'Sorry babe I had planned to come back by after training with mom but my dad texted and he just got home with my sister so I had to come home.'

She headed downstairs for when they walked in 'it's okay spend the day with your sister it is the first time you've seen her in what almost 2 years? I'll pick you up for school in the morning.'

She smiled to herself 'I'll see you in the morning then.' Then Bella and Charlie walked into the house and Ronnie smiled not hesitating to pull her little sister into a hug "Bells! I am so happy that you're here."

The awkward younger girl hugged her sister back "hey V."

Ronnie pulled away smiling at her "I wanted to come with dad to pick you up but I had to study, I have a big test in English tomorrow."

Bella nodded "dad told me, it's fine V." The trio headed up to Bella's room.

Charlie smiled at his two girls "I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom."

Bella nodded at what he said "oh right, only one bathroom." then they walked into her bedroom.

Bella looks around the room as they sit her things down with Charlie walking further into the room "it's a pretty good work lap," he nodded at the bed "Ronnie and the sales lady picked out the bed stuff," then he looked at the youngest Swan "you like purple right?"

Bella nodded holding her cactus, "purple's cool, thanks." after a couple more minutes Charlie left the two girls alone in Bella's room.

Ronnie sat down on the bed grinning at her sister "I told dad you would like the purple, I made him take me with him when he went to pick the stuff out cause let's face it being a girl myself I knew more of what you would and wouldn't have liked."

Bella smiled at her older sister "thanks V." The 17-year-old knew that having Ronnie here would make living in Forks a little more bearable. 

A little while later as the girls were sitting on Bella's bed just talking and catching up Ronnie was about to tell her sister about her boyfriend but got cut off my a horn honking outside Ronnie smiled "I will finish what I was saying later Bells, let go and see what's going on."

Bella nodded at her and followed the older Swan downstairs and out the front door. Charlie is leaning against an orange truck "Bella you remember Billy Black?" Ronnie is standing behind her sister she nodded at the man with a smile.

Billy nodded back at her as Bella looked at him with a smile "Yeah, yeah you're looking good."

"Well, I'm still dancing. I'm glad you're finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

Charlie gave him a look "alright, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud." that gets a chuckle out of Ronnie and Bella, then Billy rolls after him "right after I ram you in the ankles." then the two men started play fighting in the driveway as Jacob smiled at Bella.

"Hi, I'm Jacob."

Ronnie smiled at the 15-year-old, they weren't very close but talked occasionally when their dads would hang out or catch a game together. Bella smiled at him as well "Hey."

"We used to make mud pies when we were little."

"Right no I remember." Charlie and Billy are still goofing around in the driveway making the three children look at them, Bella nods "are they always like this?"

Ronnie snorted at the answer Jacob gave her "it's getting worse with old age."

Once they were done they rejoined the trio and Charlie patted the orange truck looking at the youngest Swan " so what do you think?"

"of what?"

Charlie motions to the truck that he is once again leaning against "your homecoming present."


Charlie smiled at her "Just bought it off Billy here."


Jacob looks at Bella "I totally rebuild the engine for you."

Bella smiled, she was happy with the present "Oh come on!"

Ronnie headed back into the house as Bella and Jacob started checking out the truck, the older girl was happy that her little sister was finally here.

'How is your sister?"

Ronnie smiled 'good, I'm really happy that she's here... I know that my dad's happy about it too.'

The two of them talked for a while longer before Ronnie decided to get ready for bed and get some sleep because she did have an English test the next day 'I am going to get ready for bed and try and get some sleep, we do have that English test tomorrow.'

'Alright Ronnie, good night, I'll see you in the morning.'

'See you them Em.'

Then Ronnie got up and changed into a pair of pajamas and got ready for bed. 

Phoenix {Emmett Cullen} SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now