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After lunch, Ronnie had PE, on the way to the gym Ronnie looked at her boyfriend "why do Alice and Jasper let everyone think that they are together?"

Emmett grinned at her "it's easier that way since Jasper still has a little trouble being around humans they don't approach since they think he's with Alice."

Ronnie nodded "okay well then that does make sense." the couple walked into the gym and headed into the locker rooms to get changed for class, but once they changed they met back up with Emmett wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they waited for coach Clapp to start class.

In PE, they played dodgeball, and Emmett and Ronnie were on the same team and they totally dominated the court and the class passed by fairly quickly, and then Ronnie had French but that class passed fairly quickly as well and that was the last class of the day, the couple stood at Ronnie's locker so she could grab her stuff "so what's the plan for today babe?"

Ronnie smiled at him "Dinner at the diner with dad and Bella and then after that is training with mom and depending on how long training runs I might drop by after and hang out with you guys for a little while."

He grinned at her as they made their way outside "so what is Val teaching you this session?"

"Oh, you know just how to control the psionic firebird." the girl couldn't help but grin at the mention "mom finally thinks that I'm ready for it... we've been training for months and she finally thinks that my telepathy is advanced enough to control it and I can't wait god it's gonna be so badass... after I have perfected it I def have to show it to you."

He smiled at her "well that sounds exciting are you catching a ride to the diner with your sister?"

Ronnie nodded "yeah thought it would be easier since she's headed that way anyway and then I'll walk a little ways away after and teleport to my mom who is meeting at our usual training spot." he nodded at her as they approached his jeep, he turned to her.

"So I will either see you later or when I pick you up in the morning?" Ronnie nodded at him "yep." then she leaned up and pecked him on the lips "I will see you later or in the morning." then she walked towards her sister's truck to wait for her since they had to meet their dad for dinner at the diner.

Bella was a little surprised to see her sister waiting by the truck "hey V."

Ronnie smiled "hey Bells so I figured since we are both going to the diner that I'd hitch a ride with you." Bella nodded as the two got in the truck.

"Alright... so why didn't you tell me about your boyfriend last night?"

"Well I started to and then Jacob and Billy showed up and I just didn't get the chance to mention it after that ."

Bella nodded satisfied with the answer "hey V... I have a bit of an odd question."

Ronnie turned in her seat to look at her sister "what's up Bells?"

Bella sighed "do I smell bad?"

Ronnie looked at her for a second "that was an odd question but no you do not smell bad Bells what brought this on?"

"Well in Biology I was told to sit beside Edward Cullen and then she acted really weird covering his nose and mouth like I smelled bad or something and then he rushed out after class was over and I found him in the office when I was returning my slip he was trying to change out of biology."

Ronnie rolled her eyes she would have to ask about that later "I have no clue what his problem was Bells but you don't smell bad at all." Bella nodded at her and they were quiet the rest of the way to the diner.

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