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Ronnie was sitting on the couch in the little lounge/living room with her legs kicked across Emmett's lap watching him play a video game with Jasper, the three of them were laughing and having fun but as soon as Ronnie recognized the woman that walked in with Carlisle her temper flared and Jasper immediately felt the shift of Ronnie's mood as she stood up from the couch and she had her hands clenched into fists by her side and her jaw locked she closed her eyes trying to reel it in but it doesn't quite work even with Jasper sending calm waves at her so when she opened her eyes again they were blazing orange and locked onto her mother.

Valerie looked at her daughter and back to Carlisle "She's a Phoenix alright" Valerie approaches her now 18-year-old daughter "Veronica... you have to breathe you can control it."

Carlisle looks at Valerie surprised because he hadn't told the woman Veronica's name.

Valerie lays a hand on Ronnie's arm.. not even bothered by the heat coming off of it as she looked into the blazing eyes of her daughter "Veronica if you don't breathe and control it then you are going to spontaneously combust... it may not hurt you but everything within a 10 block radius will burn with you... I know from experience and I know you don't want to hurt anybody."

The younger redhead takes a deep breath and with a little help from Jasper as well Ronnie calms down just slightly. She crosses her arms glaring at the older brunette woman in front of her and Valerie sighs "you're upset."

Which makes Ronnie snort "No... I'm about 12 years past upset, I'm pissed, there's a difference."

Valerie sighs again not even the least bit surprised because the girl inherited her temper from her mother. She knew that Veronica would be upset with her nut she just didn't know how upset she would be. 

Emmett came up behind the girl laying a comforting hand on her shoulder and gently squeezing it letting her know that he was there, Ronnie turned her attention to him and locked eyes with Emmett "I need to get out of here I cannot be in this room right now."

The Cullen boy nods "okay" then he leads Ronnie out through the back door getting her out of the house he wraps an arm around her waist "hold on" the girl grabs his arm holding on and he uses his vampire speed to get her away from the house.

After they get far enough away Emmett stops looking at Ronnie who has angry tears welling up in her eyes, Emmett grabs her chin gently "Hey what's wrong?" Ronnie can't help but let them fall she's an angry crier, she always cries when she gets angry.

"That was my mother.... she left me when I was six, she dropped me off at school that day and said she loved me and that was the last time I saw her, no phone calls, no letters nothing it's like she vanished off the face of the earth for 12 years... and I'm pissed."

Emmett wipes the tears from her face "why are you crying then?"

"I cry when I'm angry... it's something that I've done for as long as I can remember."

He nods at her looking down at her his thumb swiping the tears away "I'm not justifying her leaving you but maybe you should hear her out I mean she is the only one that can tell you the truth about what you are."

Ronnie sighs "I know she is but I wasn't expecting Carlisle's friend to be my mother it took me by surprise so that's the main reason I got so mad because I wasn't expecting her to walk through the door"

Emmett gives Ronnie a few more minutes before he looks at her "are you ready to go back in there and face her?"

Ronnie lets out a breath "I think so" he nods and once again and she holds onto him as tight as she can and he uses his vampire speed to get them back to his house.

Emmett looks at the girl before they walk back into the house "are you sure you're ready?"

Ronnie smiles at him and nods "yeah... I just needed a few minutes to prepare myself for the conversation that is about to happen and to calm down a little...though the calm probably won't last very long, at least I'm calm for right now"

Emmett chuckles at that and opens the door for her and Ronnie smiles at him walking back into the house, she looks at everyone in the room "Sorry I needed a minute"

Valerie looks at her daughter "Veronica."

Angry tears well up in the girl's eyes again as she stares down her mother "You abandoned me... I was six and you just disappeared off the face of the earth for 12 years." That definitely catches everyone's attention well besides Emmett because he knows that Valerie is her mother.

The older redhead sighs looking at her daughter "I was trying to protect you"

Ronnie gives her a look "Really? You couldn't have called or you know sent a damn letter saying that you were at least alive? I love my dad more than anything don't get me wrong but there are just some things that a little girl just needs her mother for."

Valerie looks at her daughter "I couldn't risk them finding out about you and I had hoped that you would take after your father and be human but obviously that was not the case"

Ronnie looks at her mom "Who is them?"

"The Volturi.... they like power and having a Phoenix would make them exponentially more powerful than they already are, I refused to join them and they tried to kill me and when they realized they couldn't I ran and I've been running ever since... I lost them for a while and you came along during that time and then I heard they caught back onto me so I wasn't gonna let them find out about you and I ran again but I was only trying to protect you, Veronica." 


Awwh her mom just wanted to protect her... How will Ronnie react to that? How about the rest of the Cullens? Well, minus Emmett because Ronnie told him that Valerie was her mother.

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