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Ronnie smiled walking downstairs the next morning Emmett meeting her dad the day before went really well "Good morning dad."

Charlie smiled at her "good morning Ronnie."

Ronnie still has a smile on her face as she turns to look at her father "Emmett is giving me a ride to school today and after school, Alice, Rosalie, and I are going shopping in Port Angeles... just so you know." 

He nods at her smiling just happy that she's getting out more "alright sweetheart, thanks for telling me about the shopping trip"

She kisses him on the cheek as a horn sounds outside "you're welcome... that would be my ride so, bye daddy, have a good day at work and I love you" she grabs her bag and heads to the door, she smiles climbing into Emmett's jeep, leaning over and pecking him on the lips "good morning"

He grins at her "Well it's certainly a good morning now."

Ronnie throws her head back against the seat laughing "oh my god Em that was so cheesy" 

He just grins at her "but it made you smile which was the goal all along."

A little while later Emmett pulls into the parking lot of the school and parks his Jeep "one-moment milady" then he gets out of the jeep and walks around the front to the other side opening Ronnie's door for her, she laughs getting out "you know I am capable of opening my own door right?"

Emmett wraps an arm around her shoulders as they join the rest of his family "Oh I know... but where is the fun in that babe?"

Alice smiles happily at the young Pheonix "so are we set for our shopping trip after school?"

Ronnie nods at her with a smile "Yes Alice we sure are... I told my dad about it this morning so it's all set"

The Pixie like vampire squeals happily "Yay! this is going to be so much fun" They walk into school, and at this point, Ronnie can pretty much drown out all of the thoughts around her now being more used to being around so many people once again so she doesn't get worked up quite as much during school. She has her moments now and then but Emmett is almost always there to calm her down when it starts getting too much.

The day went by pretty quickly for the young Phoenix, Emmett smiled at his girlfriend as they met by the car "I will see you after your shopping trip with Alice and Rose, they are gonna bring you back to the house and then I'm gonna drive you home" 

Ronnie nods "okay" then she presses up on her toes pecking him on the lips before getting into the back of Rosalie's red convertible.

Alice turns around in the passenger seat and smiles at the young Phoenix "You guys are so adorable" Ronnie smiles at the psychic vampire.

Rosalie doesn't even look at the Pheonix as she pulls out of the parking lot of the school heading to Port Angeles so the three of them can bond.

While they were in one of the stores Alice left Ronnie and Rose alone she knows the conversation that's going to happen she's seen it happen and she knows that it needs to happen so the two of them can bond and start to become friends, so Alice skipped off and left them alone.

Ronnie looked at the blonde vampire for a moment before speaking "you know... I get the gist that you don't like me very much and that's perfectly okay you don't have to like me. I mean not everybody's going to like you and sometimes even the people that like you don't really like you, learned that one the hard way and I am getting off-topic but what I'm saying is that you are going to be seeing a lot of me so maybe just a little less hostility would be nice? Just a suggestion there."

The blonde sighs slightly looking at the young Phoenix "it's not that I don't like you, Ronnie, I'm just worried about my family."

The young Phoenix nods understanding where the blonde is coming from "that's understandable but you have nothing to worry about with me... I mean I'm not just some human that knows your secret I have one that is just as dangerous for someone to find out... So what do you say we wipe the slate clean and forget all the hostility and we could be at least civil?"

The blonde gives her a small smile "alright Ronnie clean slate. What did you mean when you said that you learned that the hard way?"

Ronnie sighed "well before the fire I was popular.... everyone wanted V to be their friend or be on their side. Guess you could say that I was the IT girl at Forks High... Top of my class, captain of the Varsity Cheerleading Squad during football season, and Captain of the Varsity Volleyball team during Volleyball season and then the fire happened and as soon as it was known that I survived, everyone even the people that I thought were my friends, turned their backs on me and they called me a freak every single one of them and then I could read their minds and I found out what they actually thought of me... just something they could use to boost their own popularity" she rolled her eyes "I mean that didn't bother me, you have to have thick skin to be popular anyway... because people are gonna hate on you no matter what because you have something they don't, what got to me was the overwhelming amount of thoughts hitting me at once and the fact that seemingly everyone just decided that they were just gonna blame it on me even if it was just in their heads."

Rose sees a mischievous glint in Ronnie's eyes that reminds her of Emmett because he has that glint in his eyes all the time, then the brunette smirks "I mean I could ruin them all if I wanted to, at some point or another they have all confided something in me... something that they would never want seeing the light of day, I don't do it... but I could."

Rose looks at her "damn... why don't you do it?"

Ronnie thinks for a moment "because... I- actually I don't know... guess there wasn't a real need for it? But now that I'm thinking about it maybe they all just need reminding who I am."

That is when Alice walked back up to them "Are we friends now?"

Ronnie and Rose both rolled their eyes at the Pixie-like vampire, the Phoenix is the one that answers her "not quite but it's a start and we'll get there in time" the blonde smiled at her slightly.

Alice smiles "yay!" so with that the trio spent the majority of the afternoon shopping and just getting to know one another a little bit better.

After they got back to the Cullen's place Alice smiled at Ronnie "today was fun and we will see you tomorrow at school" 

Ronnie laughed "I'll see you guys tomorrow then" and she smirks at Rose "Tomorrow during PE everyone is gonna get a crash course reminder of just who I am."

Emmett came out of the house hearing his girlfriend's voice "hey you guys are back" 

Ronnie smiled at him "yep we just got back" he wraps an arm around her shoulders "it's getting pretty late so I am going to drive you home... all right, Ronnie?"

"All right" so they get the few bags that belonged to her into his jeep and Emmett, as usual, opens the door for her, making the young phoenix roll her eyes but she says nothing about it.

He pulls up into her driveway "your dad's not home yet?" 

Ronnie shrugs "he's probably gonna pull a late shift, he does that sometimes but I'll be fine until he gets home... I always am" the bigger vampire laughs getting out and opening her door once again.

They grab the shopping bags out of the jeep and he walks her up to the door, Ronnie smiles up at him "you know you didn't have to walk me to the door right?" he smirks down at her "I know but I wanted to" then he leans down and kisses her.

The two pull apart a couple of minutes later "I'll pick you up in the morning" Ronnie nodded at him still smiling pressing up in her toes and pecking him on the lips one more time "I'll see you in the morning then" he stands there on her porch until she gets into the house and he hears the click signaling that she locked the door, then he heads back to his jeep the smile not leaving his face.

Okay so there was originally just gonna be 10 chapters in part one and then move on to Twilight but I feel like that is not enough to give you guys a feel for Ronnie's character and her relationship with Emmett and the rest of the Cullens so now there are 13 chapters in part one.

Also Ronnie and Rose are on the way to being friends finally.

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