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The silhouette of a woman stood in front of young Ella, beautiful blonde hair cascaded down her back and to her hips. She stood with her back towards the girl, humming a soft melody that usually put the child to sleep. Ella stood patiently behind the woman, a lavender colored bunny tucked between her arms as she swayed back and forth. The young girl began humming along, her eyes closed and a smile on her lips.

The humming from the young girl made her mother jump and quickly turn around to find her daughter. The woman quickly dried her hands with the dish towel next to the sink before approaching her daughter and squatting down to her height. "What are you doing up, bug?"  The woman rubbed the girls arms slowly as Ella responded, "Couldn't sleep."  She gave a pout to the young girl before scooping her up in her arms, "Would a lullaby help?" Ella nodded quickly, a smile on her face, making her mother laugh.

Her mother placed her back into her bed carefully, tucking her in nice and tight and leaving a kiss on her forehead before she began singing a lullaby. The song was always the same, but it never ceased to calm the girl and make her feel safe.
"My guess, I hope that our memories stay and just know that whatever you do." Ella closed her eyes, a smile on her lips as a warm feeling filled her heart. She mumbled along with her mother, "I hope you love me too."

Ella let out a sigh of content as she listened to her mother, "And my heart beats stuck in a daze of our thoughts and watching me grow to be you." Once again Ella joined in, "I hope you love me too. So my darling, so my daring, so my darling." Her mother stroked her hair out of her face, giving her forehead another kiss, "When our hairs are turning grey, won't even remember our younger days." Her mother could tell she was falling asleep, her eyes got droopy and smile lifted as she snuggled more into her bed.

The last words Ella's mother ever spoke to her, really sang to her, was the ending of the song, a few words that warmed Ella's heart. "So my darling, so my darling, my baby, my boo. You are my best friend, remember I'll always love you."

"Ella! Ella! Ella!!"

Welcome to Lover of Mine :))))))))

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Welcome to Lover of Mine :))))))))

The song above is the lullaby Ella's mother sings to her!! Take a listen, it's so good!

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