003: i could get used to this

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"What do you think they're doing with Teresa?" Ella asks as the group of gladers are lead to their room. Thomas shook his head and lowered his voice so only Ella could hear, "I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling about this place." Ella nodded, agreeing with him, as the guard unlocked a metal door and opened it, "Boys in here." The man stated, his voice low and scratchy. "Girls are on the other side of the compound." The man stated, waiting for all the boys to file in before escorting Ella towards her room.

"I'm not sleeping in a room with people I've never met before, I'll sleep in here." Ella spoke, Thomas and Minho on either side of her as Newt stood in the doorway. "Sorry kid, strict rules, boys and girls in separate rooms." Ella crossed her arms and gave the man a glare, "I don't care, I'm staying with them."

The man rolled his eyes before grabbing Ella's upper arm and dragging her with him, "I don't got time for this kid." "Hey! Let go of me!" A chorus of shouts came from the gladers behind them, all of the boys quickly moving to block the guards way. "She said she's not going!" Thomas spoke, prying the man's hand from Ella and moving her behind him.

"Woah, what's going on here?" The voice sent chills down Ella's spine as the gladers and herself spun to look towards Jansen. Newt spoke first, "Ella's not staying anywhere but with us." The gladers around him agreeing with nods. Jansen chuckled, "I'm sorry, but we do have rules, it's for your safety." Thomas moved to be closer to Jansen, his jaw clenching before he spoke, "No it's not, you're just trying to separate us." Jansen stared straight into Thomas's eyes, maybe trying to get him to back down, but when the boy didn't, Jansen sighed and faced Ella.

"Ella, you've been stuck with these boys for 3 years, im sure you want to make friends with some girls you're own age, right?" Ella narrowed her eyes at the man, "I do have a girl friend, her name's Teresa. What are you doing with her?" The man only smiled, "Teresa's fine! She's just finishing up her final check ups is all." Ella crossed her arms and stood her ground, "Im staying in the boys room." After a couple seconds of tense silence, Jansens shoulders slumped and he bowed his head. "Fine." He waved his hand at the guard to dismiss him and left himself.

As the gladers filed into the room, Minho jumped to lay on the top bunk bed, "What a dick." Ella only chuckled before claiming a bed for herself and laying down. "This feels like heaven." She sighed blissfully. Winston hummed in agreement, "Yeah, I could get used to this." Thomas looked around warily, his eyes focusing on the door at the sound of it locking . His gaze drifting to Ella, who laid with her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips.


Ella awoke to the sound of the faucet running, she lazily blinked her eyes and lifted herself to see who was causing the noise. She found Thomas, filling his hands with water before pouring it over his face. She frowned at his tense shoulders and back before quietly standing to move towards him. "Tom." She spoke softly, trying not to wake the other boys. The said boys face rose and looked at her through the mirror, "Sorry, did I wake you?" Ella shook her head and whispered, "It's okay, can't sleep?" He nodded.

Ella came to stand behind him, her arms wrapping around his waist and head leaning to rest on his shoulder blade. Thomas sighed, his shoulder relaxing and head rolling back to be closer to her. "Come to bed." Ella's voice was muffled by his shirt as she took his hand and guided him towards his bed. She let him lay down before joining him, her arm going under his shirt and around his waist while her legs tangled with his.

"Please try to sleep." She whispered, bringing her head to rest in the crook of his neck, placing a soft kiss to it. Thomas only wrapped his arms around her in response, pulling her closer to him. Ella smiled before she drifted off to sleep again.

She wasn't asleep for too long before the rattle of metal woke her, lifting her gaze to Thomas to see if he heard it as well. He gave her a troubled look before sitting up. He leaned over the bed to look under it, his head tilting as he saw a figure crawling through the air vent. Thomas's soft gasp of, "oh my god." Caused Ella to also look under the bed, finding a boy sticking out of the vent with his finger over his lips to indicate for them to stay silent. "Follow me!" He whispered before turning around and taking off down the vent again.

Thomas got up, Ella following before the boy grabbed her arm. "Hey, it's okay, you can go back to bed." The girl only rolled her eyes, "Like hell I'm letting you run off with some random stranger in a vent!" Ella crouched and slipped into the vent first, waiting to continue until Thomas was following as well.


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welcome back to lover of mine!!
thanks for reading!!

it's been a while since I've updated because college started and I figured out that I'm actually taking the 2 hardest classes on campus this semester so that's just 🤩 lovely for me

so yeah I've been crammed with homework and haven't had any time to write but I stayed up tonight to finish this chapter and get it out!

hope y'all enjoyed!!

vote and comment!!

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