007: we're getting out of here

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"Ella! Ella!"

Ella suddenly awoke to Thomas and Newt in front of her, their hands on her shoulder shaking her. Her eyes wide and lips gasping for air caused the two boys to sigh in relief. "What?" Ella looked around confused, she was in the room again, but this time it was just Thomas and Newt, the bodies of the three guards passed out on the ground below them.

The two boys worked to get Ella free from the contraption she was in, once she stepped out she noticed an IV in her arm. Fluid was running from it, but it wasn't blood or anything she knew. It was blue and was coming out of her. She quickly ripped it out of her arm and grabbed gauze to place it there. She glanced around the room, Newt was keeping a look out at the door, Thomas inches away from her, his hands holding her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

Ella looked at him, then Newt, then the guards passed out on the ground. Her eyebrows furrowed, she didn't know what was happening, or what happened moments ago. "Is this real?" She questions, looking to Thomas. The boys face morphed into concern, "Of course it is, are you okay? What did they do to you?"

Ella moved her gaze from her arm to the contraption she was just in, "I don't- I don't know. It was like I was dreaming." She explained. "But it felt so real." Ella locked eyes with Thomas, his mouth opening to say something before newt spoke up, "Guys, we gotta go now!" Thomas grabbed her hand, "Ok we can figure this out later, we need to go." "Wait, what?" Ella asks, "Where are we going?" Thomas, pulling her down the hallway and keeping an eye out for anything responds, "We're getting out of here."

Ella pushes aside all of her questions about what happened, what she had just experienced, not even caring if this, right now here either Thomas was real, "Finally." The three began running, down white-walled corridors that took turns every 50 feet. Ella hoped Thomas knew where he was going, because she certainly didn't. The girl was exhausted, her arms and legs felt heavy and were weighing her down, she felt drained, her mind losing consciousness for a split of a second before she came to again. She stumbled a couple times, but with Newt behind her, a hand holding her to him, she didn't fall too far behind Thomas.

As the three rounded another corner they came crashing into another group. When Thomas collided with another, the three realized it was the rest of the gladers. "Minho!" Ella exclaims, rushing to pull him into a hug. She notices Teresa behind him, "Teresa! Are you okay? What did they do to you?" Teresa blinks and looks at Ella, a perplexed look on her face. Teresa noticed the gauze held to Ella's arm before she looks back up to meet her eyes, "I'm- I'm not sure."

"Is everyone here?" Thomas questions. When everyone looks around and nods, the group is off again, down another corridor. They get to a long white one, at the end there's a large gray door that Ella recognized as the one they first walked through. Once they get to it, Thomas rips the keycard Ella stole from the guard out of his pocket and begins swiping it. The whole scene they made in the cafeteria couldn't have been more than an hour ago, yet Ella felt like that was days ago. She felt as if she had lived several lifetimes since.

The cafeteria, stealing the keycard, being forced back into their room, Thomas leaving, the guards taking her, that room with the contraption, Ava Paige, those weird dreams, Thomas and Newt rescuing her, and now. It all happened in an hour, she felt as if it had been days. Did they do something to her? Her memories? Her sense of time?

Wait, Ava! Ava Paige was still alive! She has to tell Thomas. Tell him that the person who did all of this to them, who they thought was dead, was still alive and still messing with them. Ella's breath become ragged, her body becoming weak and breakable. She felt sick, like she might pass out or throw up or both. What had they done to her in there?

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