006: plently help here

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The gladers weren't in the room for more than ten minutes before two men began to unlock the door and step inside. The gladers stood instantly, wary looks on their faces. Ella was afraid they were coming for Thomas, and when they realized he wasn't here, they'd all be in trouble. But the two men didn't even look around the room when they came in, let alone look for Thomas. They glanced over the faces in the room and stopped when they found hers.

"Ella." One spoke, his tone dark, causing goosebumps to rise on the girls skin. Ella looked to Minho and Newt, but they looked just as confused as her. "Yes?" She spoke. "Come with us." That was all he said before they turned to exit the room. Newt and Minho held a hand in front of Ella, telling her not to move, "What do you want with her?" Newt questioned. The men turned around again, small smiles on their faces, but Ella could tell they were forced. The attempt at a genuine, comforting smile was just that, an attempt.

"We just got her blood work back, she just needs a few more vaccinations is all, won't take long." Ella hesitated before stepping forward, Newt and Minho stopping her again. "It's okay." She spoke, she moved to face the two boys so her back was to the men. She whispered quietly, so the guards couldn't hear, "If we make a fuss they'll realize that Tom isn't here. It's just a few vaccinations, nothing will happen." Ella had to force the lie out to try and calm the two boys, but she had a feeling they knew both her and the guards were lying to them.

But they didn't really have a choice, Ella was right, the longer these men were here, the sooner they'd realize someone was missing. So, they both gave her a tight squeeze of the hand before watching as she disappeared down the hall, watched the door to their room shut and lock, leaving them to wonder what is happening with both Thomas and Ella.

Then, five minutes later Thomas came barreling back into the room through the air vent, a frantic and panicked look on his face. "We gotta go! We gotta go!" Newt and Minho shared a look, "Thomas, what's going on!?" Newt asked, trying to keep up with Thomas's movements. "We gotta go! We just have to go!" Was all Thomas said before he grabbed a sheet and began tying the door. The boys look around at each other, whatever Thomas saw wasn't good, and now they didn't know where Ella was. "Thomas, what the hell are you talking about?" Winston's question is met with others from the boys as well, "What do you mean we got to go?" "What happened?" "What did you see?"

Thomas just shook his head before grabbing a mattress off one of the beds and propping it against the door, "We gotta go, they're coming for us!" The gladers realized they weren't getting anything out of Thomas so they turned to Aris instead, but he wasn't helpful, stood towards the back of the room, frozen in fear. "Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us?!" Newt yells. "She's still alive." "Who? Teresa?" Frypan questions. "No, Ava!"

Newts brows furrow, "Ava? Just turn around and talk to us!" "It's wicked!" Thomas yells, silencing the group. He looks at Newt before dropping his eyes and moving to make sure the door can't open, "It's still wicked, it's always been wicked." The gladers faces pale at the news, they sent Ella off alone with wicked! Thomas moved towards the vent again before halting, "Wait, where's Ella?" He glances around the gladers, not finding the blonde girl that would have surely by now tried to get him to explain. He didn't get a response from the boys, only paled faces and worried eyes. "Newt, Minho-" he begins, his voice stern, "Where's Ella?"

"They-they took her." Minho answers. "What do you mean they took her!?" "They said she just needed some vaccinations!" "You let them take her!?" Thomas shouts, his face flushed with anger. "We didn't have a choice!" Newt shouts back. "They said she just needed more vaccinations!" Minho repeats. Thomas's eyes widen, "And you believed them!?" The three boys were getting angrier by the minute, "We tried to stop her!" Newt spoke, "But she wouldn't listen, and she was trying to keep the focus off you, by the way, so don't go blaming us!"

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