008: right behind you !

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Ella finds herself with Teresa, both girls sifting through bins of old clothes for some jackets. Teresa finds one and tosses it to Ella to try on. The girl thanks her and she sets her flashlight down and fits the jacket over her body. It's a little big on her, but it'll work just the same so she keeps it. As she does this, Teresa changes her shirt and finds a few good water bottles for them to keep. As the two girls are sorting through another bin, the building suddenly becomes engulfed in light.

"Guess they found the lights." Fry mutters, as they collect what they've found and group back together with the rest of the others. "What's going on?" Winston questions. The group suddenly hears Thomas's shouts of panic, Ella's pulse raises, "Thomas!?" She sees Thomas and Minho run into view, the two boys sprinting down the corridor towards them, both screaming, "Run!" Ella squints her eyes to see beyond them, she gasps when she finds dozens of cranks following the two boys.

"Shit!" Newt curses, grabbing Ella's arm and dragging her with him, away from the cranks. "Go, go, go!" Minho screams. The group scrambles to the escalators near them, taking the stairs by two. "Thomas, Minho, what the hell are those things?!" "I don't know! Just keep going!" The group makes a sharp turn once they get up to the top but are confronted with yet another crank.

They skid to a stop not sure where to go. Aris grabs a bat that's laying on the floor and advances, "Wait, Aris no!" The boy trips the crank and it goes sliding into the group, the kids quickly separating. Ella is yanking Winston with her down the corridor and up another set of escalators. The rest of the group following.

"We gotta find another way out of here!" Fry yells, the group continuing to dash down the corridor. As they do, a crank smashes through the glass next to them and lands on Newt. "Newt!" The group screams, each glader stopping to go back for him. Ella reaches him first, swiftly kicking the crank off of him and into the glass railing. The crank falls through the glass and down to the first level. Thomas and Minho are by her side instantly, picking Newt up. Ella doesn't understand how she did that, she supposes the sheer terror from running for her life and the possibility of losing Newt clouds her judgement and she can't think of anything except getting everyone out alive.

As the two boys help Newt back up, Ella looks back to see a dozen more cranks catching up to them, "We gotta go!" She yells, grabbing Thomas by his jacket and yanking him forward. The group of gladers slide into a dim lit hallway, when passing doors, Thomas would try to open them, but each wouldn't budge. Like they'd been bulleted shut from the other side. They finally came to the end of the hallway, three doors at the end. Thomas and Minho each tried a door to open, ramming her shoulders into them. When Thomas finds one loose enough to budge, he yells, "This one!" as he continued to push on the door, eventually turning to kick the door open. The two boys continued to force the door open, but it was taking a lot longer than they expected.

Ella and Teresa faced the hallway, watching as the cranks continued to gain on their group. They even began climbing and crawling on each other to be the first to the kids. "Thomas!" Teresa yells. "Thomas, they're almost here!" Ella screams, out of breath from running and the terrifying sight of the zombie-like creatures gaining on them. "I'll hold them off!" Winston shouts, loading his pistol and standing in front of the two girls. He begins to shoot at the cranks, one or two going down with the bullets, but Ella knew Winston didn't have enough to keep them all back.

"We got it! We got it!" The group yells, Minho grabs Ella by the arm and pulls her through the door, Teresa and Thomas right behind them. They continue running down the hallway but stop when they hear the rest of the group screaming. The four turn around to see that Winston was stuck between the door, Fry, Aris, and Newt pulling him from one side while the cranks pulled him from the other. Ella gasped in horror, "Winston!" She rushes back, helping the two boys pull him. Minho keeps the door from opening anymore to not let anymore cranks out.

Winston is screaming in agony, when Ella glances up from trying pull him away, she witnesses the cranks clawing their hands into his abdomen. Ella has seen a lot of gruesome things in the last three years, a broken leg or a protruding bone, but this was somehow the worst. She thought she might be sick.

As the group finally pulls Winston to safety there's no time to check his wounds before, Fry and Newt pull him up and continue running. Minho and Thomas are still holding the door when Ella turns to see. "Go!" Thomas shouts at her. She hesitates to run without Thomas until Teresa grabs her hand and starting bolting down the corridor.

Ella can hear Thomas tell Minho to run to. When the screams from the cranks become more deafening she knows  that they had gotten through the door. Ella wants to stop and turn around to find Thomas, but Teresa has an iron grip on her hand, so she shouts for him instead, "Thomas!" "I'm right behind you!"

The group eventually gets far enough ahead of the cranks that they're able to find a hidden spot, out of sight, under some fallen concrete slabs. They huddle close together, Thomas and Minho at the front. They can still hear the cranks screaming in the distance, so they all stay silent. Ella can't stop thinking about Winston, she wants to address his wounds but is afraid it'd be too loud and the cranks would find them.

An hour later, when it had been quiet for about 30 minutes, Ella quickly stands. The group gives her a worried look, but she ignores them. She grabs a spare shirt that was in Thomas's backpack and begins to tear it into pieces. She's trying to be as quiet as possible but the gladers still flinch every time she rips the fabric. Beside her, Winston is breathing rapidly, his chest rising and falling quickly. Ella lifts his shirt up and almost gags. It's so bloody and maimed she doesn't know if she'd be able to fix this, even if she was back in the glade with all her supplies she wasn't sure if she could. 

All Ella can do it wrap the clothe around Winston's stomach and tie it tightly. After she's done, Winston's cries are muffled and he begins to fall asleep. She guesses he's in a lot of pain right now, but the exhaustion is finally catching up. She kisses his forehead gently and returns to Thomas.

She curls into the boy, wanting to cry. Thomas gives her forehead a chaste kiss. "How is he?" He whispers, his lips touching her ear in an attempt to not wake the rest of the gladers. Ella looks Thomas in the eyes, her own glossy, and shakes her head. They both know what that means, Winston won't make it. Ella buries her head into Thomas's neck to stifle her cries.

 Ella buries her head into Thomas's neck to stifle her cries

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hello hello!!

this is a shorter chapter and mostly a filler one
so even tho it's kinda boring i hope you enjoyed it!

thanks for reading!

pls comment and vote :)))

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