004: maybe the others will listen

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The vent was larger than Ella anticipated it to be, she followed the blonde boy in front of her quite easily. Maneuvering through the turns and twists of the air vents came easy to the boy, Ella had guessed he'd been in these a lot. When the three came to a large junction in the vents, the boy stopped and turned around to look at Ella and Thomas.

Ella was able to sit down comfortably, the area reminding her of the space Thomas and herself used to hideout in when they were little. After the two met, they spent most of their nights in the vents talking. That's how she gotten to know Thomas, the boy who eventually got her and her friends out of the maze. Ella didn't know this yet, but she would find it quite fitting that she met Aris here too, the boy who would get her and her friends out of this compound.

The boy slid over to an opening in the vents, looking down into a hallway of the compound. Ella furrowed her eyebrows as she joined him. "What are we doing here?" Thomas whisper shouted. He only received a 'shh' from the boy before he motioned Thomas go come closer. As Thomas came to knell between Ella and the boy, the boy spoke, "Watch."

Thomas turned to Ella, the girl could tell by Thomas's face that he was annoyed. She could only give him a smile of comfort before they heard footsteps echoing throughout the hallway. They focused their attention down to it, watching as the same doctor who visited Teresa, slid a keycard next to a large white door before entering.

The three watched as three stretchers were rolled into the room as well, each having a cloth covering whatever laid on it. But each had a screen above that showed monitors of a human body. Ella froze, her eyesight stuck to the now closed door, "What the hell was that?" The boy eyed the two in front of him, "They bring in new ones every night like clock work." Thomas kept looking between the boy and the door, "Do you know what they do with them?"

"I don't know," the boy shrugged, "this is as far as I've ever gotten. The vents don't even go into that section. But once they go through that door," Ella and Thomas shared a glance before turning to look at the boy, "they don't come back out." A shiver ran down Ella's spine, a coldness she couldn't shake. What happens to them? Where do they go? What are they doing with them?

"I don't think anybody ever really leaves this place." A thought dawned on Ella, sending a sickening feeling throughout her stomach. "Teresa." She spoke, her eyes wide with fear, "what if they've...what if she's-" Thomas set a firm hand on her shoulder and sent her a strong glance, "We'll figure it out. I won't let that happen." Ella gulped, her sight moving downwards as she nodded.

Thomas turned back to the boy, "Why'd you show us this?" The boy paused before answering, "Because maybe the others will listen to you." The boy went to leave, his body almost disappearing from their eyesight before, "Hey, wait! What's your name."

As Thomas and Ella laid awake in their room neither spoke. Both were still trying to digest what they had seen, trying to understand it. Ella's head laid on Thomas's chest, her eyes glued to the bunk bed above them. Thomas finally broke the silence,"We have to figure out what's behind that door."
Ella agreed, nodding her head, "Then we figure out where Teresa is, if she's not already in there." Ella whispered, her mind racing. Thomas hummed in agreement.

"We'll have to get one of those keycards." Ella Sat up, facing Thomas, "Do you think the guards will have one?" Thomas nodded, his hand resting on Ella's leg, rubbing soft, soothing patterns into it, "They have to." "So we'll have to get one of theirs, but how?" Ella questioned. Thomas thought for a moment before speaking up, "During breakfast, we'll just have to make a scene and one of us can grab it off them." Ella nodded in understanding before laying back down next to Thomas, "Okay."

Thomas rubbed her back, "Hey, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, or any of us. You know that, right?" "Yeah, I know. I trust you, Tom." Ella replied, leaning upwards to give Thomas a peck on the lips before settling down again.

well hello hello!!sorry for the slow updates, college is

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well hello hello!!
sorry for the slow updates, college is....hard lol
but here you are!!
i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

pls vote and comment!
thanks for being such awesome readers!

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