005: i knew him

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The next morning the gladers sat around the cafeteria table as Janson listed off another group of names. Ella watched warily as the teenagers whose names were called, celebrated and excitedly passed through the doors behind Janson. Her gut was all twisted at what she was witnessing (coupled with what Thomas and herself saw last night). She knew this place wasn't what it said it was.

"I wanna know what's through that door." Thomas spoke, his eyes narrowed in on Janson. Ella turned to look at him, as did all the other gladers. "We've been over this, you said they'd been covered up, so you don't know what you saw." Both Ella and Thomas had given the gladers the run down of everything that happened the night previous, but they weren't too keen on the idea of anything being out of the ordinary.

She couldn't blame them, this facility had given them real beds, real food, real care, something they've never received before. She wouldn't want to jump to conclusions either, especially if it was about the only people who have ever helped them. Bet she still couldn't shake the bad feeling.

Ella wasn't able to describe it, or give any logical reason to why she felt this way, she just did. And she knew somewhere in herself that she was right and that even if these people weren't bad, they were definitely hiding something.

"It could've been anything up there." Newt spoke, always the voice of reason, his leadership skills he learned from his time in the maze coming to light. "I know exactly what I saw, they were bodies." Thomas defended, turning his gaze back to the front of the room, "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."

"Who the hell is Aris?" Thomas nodded his head in said boys direction, Ella watched as they caught him playing with his food. Minho gave a face before continuing, "Well, I'm sold." Ella rolled her eyes, placing her hands on the table, "Boys, I know it sounds weird but something weird is going on here, and I'd rather not realize that after it's too late."

Minho sighed, his shoulders sagging, "I don't know, but I guess if El doesn't like it here, then neither do I." Ella gave the boy a smile, placing her hand on his forearm, "This is why you're my favorite." The entire group rolled their eyes in annoyance, while Minho stuck his tongue out at them, "Suck on that losers, I'm El's favorite." Ella huffed out a chuckle, ducking her head to hide it.

The gladers attention was turned back to Janson, when applause erupting, who had finished his list and was leaving. Ella glanced at Thomas who was already looking at her, she only nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves." Ella cringed at Newts suggestion, especially since Thomas and herself had already created a plan that was exactly the opposite of not drawing attention to themselves.

The group jumped slightly as Thomas slammed his hands down on the table before standing and making his way towards the front. "What is he doing?" Newt whispered. "I think he's drawing attention to himself." Frypan answered hesitantly. "Why do I even bother?" Newt mumbled in exasperation. "Sorry Newt, you know how he is with following rules." Ella chimed in watching as Thomas tried to blend in with the rest of the group entering the doors.

As Thomas was stopped by a guard, Ella quietly slid out of her seat and started towards them as well. She could hear Fry whispering to the others, "Now, what the hell is she doing." She could practically see Minho rolling his eyes as he answered, "They're made for each other." Ella made it to the front as soon as Thomas started shoving the guard, when the guard shoved him back she felt the presence of the rest of the boys behind her, pulling Thomas back.

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