001: food fight

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Ella was startled awake, a gasp falling from her lips as bright, white lights were shined in her face. Her eyes felt so dry as she tried to adjust to the blinding light in front of her. The only thing she could register were the hands on her arms that were dragging her somewhere. Once her eyes finally did adjust and her breathing caught up to her, her eyes widened at the scene in front of her.

Dozens of people were dragging the gladers along to a gigantic building that was lit up by several hundred fluorescent lights. Her feet drug behind her as she gazed up at the building in shock. Only then did it dawn on her that the men around her were yelling. Screaming at her to continue towards the building. She spun around in a daze, her head pounding and heart racing. She only broke out of it when bullets firing sounded in her ears and she jumped in fright. By now, the soldier trying to push her towards the building gave up and threw her over his shoulder instead.

As he began running towards the building, Ella yelled at him to let her down, but she lost her voice when she finally saw what the commotion was about. Hundreds of zombie like creatures came barreling towards the building, screeching like crows and tackling some of the soldiers they got close to. Ella gasped in horror as she witnessed a creature bite onto a soldiers neck, the man screaming out in pain.

As she was set down roughly onto the facilities concrete floor, Ella tried to get a glimpse of the solider before the large doors to the facility began to close. She watched as the solider tried to wrestle the thing off of him, but just before the doors slammed shut, Ella caught another soldier shooting both of them dead. Ella's breath caught in her throat at the scene before she was forced around and faced with Thomas. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked frantically, glancing over her body for any new injuries she could have acquired.

"I'm fine, I think." She mumbled quietly before glancing up at building they were in. "Thomas." Her eyes widened in fear as she spun Thomas around to look as well. As he too glanced around, he took her hand and pulled her closer towards the group of gladers who looked just as frightened and confused.

A soldier came up to the group, mumbling a quick, "Follow me." The group followed blindly. Ella went to search for Chuck to make sure he wasn't left behind, but when she turned up empty, it hit her. Chuck was gone. She sucked in a breath to keep herself from falling apart before the group was shoved into a room and the door was shut and locked behind them. Thomas ran back to the door and began banging on it, yelling at whoever had locked them in to come back.

It wasn't until Frypan called Thomas's name that the group turned around to face the large, open room. In the middle of the room sat a large table filled with all different types of food. As the group of gladers rushed towards the table to eat, Ella couldn't think of eating. The images of Chuck laying limp in her arms played on repeat in her head and she had to force herself to sit down at the table.

She wanted to cry all over again, but the loud munching sounds of Minho eating next to her snapped her out of it. Once she got a whiff of the food in front of her, her stomach growled in hunger. She hadn't realized how long it had been since she'd actually eaten something, two days almost. As she ate, Minho moaned in satisfaction as he stuffed all he could into his mouth, making Ella laugh.

The boy spoke through a mouthful of food, "I don't care, I'd take this over Frypans food everyday." Across the table Frypan howled in laughter, "Hell, so would I!" As Frypan finished gulping down some food, he spoke again, "But I will not take the disrespect!" Frypan grabbed a handful of corn and flung it at Minho, both Minho and Ella gasping in shock as it landed on both of them. Frypan muffled his laugh, "Ella, I am so sorry, I was just trying to get Minho!"

Ella began gingerly picking the pieces of corn out of her hair before eyeing the boy. "Maybe..." she began, taking a handful of corn, "try aiming next time!" She flung the corn back at Frypan, which resulted in Minho following her up with some mashed potato's straight to Frypan's face.

It was all a blur as chaos broke out, the group of gladers starting to throw food at each other in retaliation to what they were hit with. Ella laughed as a spoonful of mashed potato's landed on Thomas's cheek. The boy rubbed it off, turning to Ella to see her laughing. "Oh, you think this is funny?" He asked, quickly grabbing a handful of mashed potato's and making his way towards her. Ella's laughter stopped as she watched, she turned around as fast as she could and made a break.

Thomas was too quick though and had his arms around her waist in no time, his chest pressed against her back as he smeared the potato's over Ella's face. Ella squealed as she tried to wiggle out of Thomas's grip, "Thomas, stop!" The boy behind her only chuckled as he pulled her behind a stack of flour bags, away from the food fight, and began thumbing the potato's off her face.

"Sorry, Ellie." He apologized, only making the girl roll her eyes. "Y'know, for some reason I'm not getting the vibe that you are." She spoke, her face still in his hands as he removed the last of the food. Thomas only laughed before pulling her close and planting his lips on hers. Ella hummed into the kiss, pulling at the belt loops of Thomas's pants to keep him close.


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Ummm.... hello!!😀

So so sooooo sorry for this very very very late update.
I'm so fired y'all, I apologize.
But, I'm back into writing, but I can't promise how often updates will be :(

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!
Pls vote and comment!!

Enjoy this happy chapter bc you won't get much more

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