Chapter 28 - Isolation

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-Two days later-

Alex and his henchman moved me to a room, well.. the word 'room' was giving it too much credit. Realistically it was four walls with a mattress in the corner.

I laid there on my side, just thinking. I wondered how long I would be here. It had already been a couple days, the first night was hard. I stayed up most of the night in case anything happened to me. I took notice of the routine they tried to lay out for me.
Seth would drop off my food in the morning, then again at lunch. Nick dropped off my dinner and they would each take turns walking me towards the bathroom the first day I tried to hold it all in, but at some point my stomach pains grew too uncomfortable for me to "try" to stay relaxed.

Eddie knew I was here. I didn't get the chance to tell him I am pregnant. I kept thinking about what exactly he was doing. I wondered if he was okay, if Robin and Steve knew, if my mom knew. Oh my god I didn't even get to tell my mom I'm pregnant.

The door creaked open. Nick walked in with his head hanging low. I sat up looking at him.
"Here's some food."
"Anything to drink?" I asked.

"Yeah-is water fine?" He finally made eye contact with me.

"When did you find out you were pregnant?" He mumbled sitting down next to me.
"The day you guys took me." I whispered. My hands dug through the bag, I assumed it was morning because Nick brought me breakfast.

"First one?"
"Yeah." My tone was short.

"Well aren't you happy?" His voice cracked through his question. He dropped his head trying to make eye contact with me.

"I would be- but I'm not happy right now because I'm kidnapped and held hostage." I mumbled shoving food in to my mouth.

"Right..." he mumbled, Alex seemed like a nice guy, his features were inviting, soft blue eyes, ivory skin..messy blonde hair. "Sorry..."

Sorry? You're sorry. I assume you have nothing to do with this, but really. Sorry? I thought to myself.

"Why are you talking to her." I heard Chrissy's voice flow through the room.

"What the fuck." I mumbled.

"Hi Jade. I heard the good news." Her smile irked me while she walked forward.
"I guess I have some news for you too."

"What." I snapped.

"I'm pregnant too!" She shouted, her smile spread towards her cheeks.

"I'm pregnant too!" She shouted, her smile spread towards her cheeks

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"Oh-wait what. Jason has been dead for over a year." My head turned to hers.
"Yeah-Well..." she mumbled.

If she says it's Eddie's I'm going to lose my shit.
"It's Eddie's-" she cheered.

"Bullshit." I spat, I threw my fork down between my legs, pushing my food away.
"Bullshit." I repeated.

"What?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, you see... I know you told me not to come around you guys anymore or else you would beat my ass again but Alex said he needed someone to deal, and I thought of Eddie. So I talked to him about it and well... one thing lead to another." Her voice whistled through her tone, pacing around the room she smiled back at me.

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