Chapter 6

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It's 6:55 when the door opens.
"Hey" he walks in, its hard not to notice his height as he towers my short frame. He's in his claret and blue training gear with a claret beanie with his number 7 on. "What can I get you?" I say with a smirk with a voice as if he's any other customer.
"Just a coffee, and for the lady?"
"Haha, I'm fine again thank you" I laugh sarcastically as he's still trying to buy me a drink. He pays for his coffee as I start to make it behind the counter.

He looks at you, sat from the booth. He hates himself for looking at you the way he is. You're stunning there's no question, which is why he shouldn't have felt surprised when you said you had a boyfriend but still, it stung.

I walk over to the door and change the sign to signal we're closed, it's only me left in the shop so it's not big deal. I bring over his coffee and my milkshake and shuffle to sit opposite him in the booth. I shuffle to wall and lean against it.
"So how have you been this last week Mr. Scamacca?" I ask genuinely excited to hear about his week.
"Basic life of a footballer. It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't know it but it's basically training, criticism, training, playing and sleeping" and then it hits me, he doesn't know who I'm dating and has no clue that I'm dating basically his rival. Part of me doesn't want to tell him "but I don't want to bore you. How was yours?"
"It was" I feel comfortable with him I feel I can actually tell him how my week went "good, I got a good mark on my latest essay-"
"How's the programme going" he interjects
"It's not started yet, not for about 2 weeks"
"You need any models" he says posing a duck face with his coffee making me laugh
"Don't because I will hold you to that"
"And I'll be very glad I was made for the camera"
I giggle again holding my cup up to my face in a desperate attempt to hide the redness that had flushed my cheeks.
"Dare I ask how the boyfriend is"
This caught me off guard as I didn't realise he'd be so intrigued
"He's good" I try and think of anything but the truth, that I haven't seen or heard from him in three days and he's purposely avoiding me. I look down at my cup "it's the way it is really"
"And how's that?" I want him to stop asking questions but I also want to tell him what's going on
"Pinky promise this stays between us?" I ask again and feel the warmth from his hands once again in the childhood sentiment "we're not talking, I've not seen him or heard from him in three days, he comes home once he knows I'm already asleep and leaves before I wake" a tear starts to form so I look down to my drink again, I can't have him see me like this "it's just a bit shit you know?"

He looks at you saddened obviously but clueless. He wants to embrace you but he knows his intentions aren't pure and he won't subject you to such intentions racking his brain for an answer.

"Why are you with him?" He asks carefully
"Because I don't want to let go of him" my answer may be abrupt but it's the truth.

"Hey y/n I'm sorry I've been avoiding you we need to talk" Emile says as he walks in the door "hey y/n" he looks around when he gets no response. He picks his phone up and finds your contact and starts to ring you.

I'm sat opposite from Gianluca when my phone rings. We'd stopped talking about my relationship and had moved onto funny stories about the west ham training room antics. We both look at the phone, lit up with a little 'cheeky boo' being shown on the screen. I know I have to answer but I don't want to. I excuse myself and walk into the staff room and pick up.

"Hey where are you?" He sounds genuinely concerned

"I'm at work I thought I'd stay behind and do a bit of work" I feel he can see through the phone and see my lies

"I'm really sorry I've been acting like an ass when I shouldn't I just I wanted to apologise but I get home and you're not here"

I wince, as if my heart was filled with hope just before those words stabbed a knife through it.

"I'll head home now, I'll see you in 30 minutes"

He hangs up.

"I'm really sorry I have to head home" I say scrambling to pack my bag. Gianluca looks at me pathetically, knowing that I don't want to go but knows I don't want to get in a fight.

"It's fine I should head home as well" he sits for a second longer looking at where you were sat hoping you would still be there and this wasn't happening.

"Hey sorry I didn't expect you to be home early" I say walking through the door looking scruffier than I'd hoped due to the fact I'd run from the station.

"I'm in the kitchen" he says and I walk to find him by the stove.

"I'm sorry just with the last few days I didn't expect you to be here"

"I'm sorry for avoiding you" he walks up to me and places a gentle kiss on my forehead, it feels warm. I close my eyes enjoying the sentiment. He rests his forehead on mine. We wait a moment, together.
"I was worried I was losing you and I don't want to lose you, you're mine" he whispers to me. He arms wrap loosely around my frame and he sways us from side to side. In this moment I feel like he's not let me go.

That night we spent cuddled in bed. The first night like it in a few weeks. It felt nice to be in his arms. I wake up in the morning alone again. The first thing I do is look at my phone there's a message.

GS - fancy meeting for coffee again, same time?

Between us and only us (Scamacca & Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now