Chapter 21

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"What's the plan?" Mrs Hudson welcomed me in and directed me to the table to open up the folder.

"Sultry" I sound uninspired, I felt it a bit after what had just happened the last thing I wanted to think about was sultry.

Sultry was supposed to be freedom. I had a weight on my shoulders with no one to help lift it off, not very free.

"Let me get my whiteboard!" Mrs Hudson isn't uninspired, she's very inspired and excited.

"You have a whiteboard?!" I can tell this is going to be productive.

It's 2am when my phone rings. Why can't some people learn to fuck off. Ginaluca is calling.

Maybe he can get away with calling me at 2am.

"Do you know what time it is?" I try to laugh it off a bit to not sound too mean.

"I'm sorry I know it's late. I just-" he pauses trying to think of what to say. I take this time to imagine him: in bed, the white sheets covering him, maybe he's looking out of the window at the garden, his tan skin against the white sheets with only the moonlight and the light of his phone. "I just couldn't stop thinking about you"

"Oh Mr. Scamacca. So what are you going to do about that?" I want him to spell out what he wants.

"Maybe come and pick you up. Get something to eat. See where we go from there" a man who knows what he wants. Not bad.

"Wanna cut a deal?" I want to play cat and mouse.

"Go on" his voice is so deep and it almost comes out as a growl.

"I need a model. I need a sultry model. What do you say tomorrow, you, me. See where we go from there?"


"When you say sultry I didn't think you meant this" Scamacca says as he walks into studio to see the cream sofa up in front of one of the white walls. He's come after training so it's about 7 o'clock at night now.

"What did you think?" I ask as he comes up behind me hugging me from behind.

"Hmmmmmm I don't know, maybe a bed. And maybe you not behind the camera" he says in my ear.

"Piss off" I start laughing "I am the photographer, and I said sultry not porn"

"Where do you want me?" He's stood in his all black outfit I asked him to wear.

"If you could lie down on the sofa, I'm trying to see if I can get the reflector to look like window lighting".

He does so. His feet do hang off the end of the sofa but it's still what I'm after and after a few different positions, lighting levels and a good bit of tape I manage to make it look like he's sat by a window. I take a few pictures of him trying to make him look as sultry as possible. I take one in black and white and it's perfect. The contrast of colours across the board give me exactly the look I'm after. A face filled with restraint.

"Not bad" I say to myself "come see" I motion for Scamacca to come and see the pictures.

"Very nice" he says pleased with the result "so is this all you need?"

"Almost, the folder says I need to use at least 2 models so I'm still trying to figure out who to ask to be number 2"

"Got anyone in mind?" He says his arm reaching round to hold my shoulders.

"I have an idea and how I'd model him but I still need to ask. Not sure though" I shouldn't say out loud who I'm thinking about or Gianluca would probably talk me out of it and it'd probably be for the best but I have an idea.

"We'll if it falls through I'm sure one of the West Ham boys wouldn't mind"


He wraps his arms around me whilst stood behind me.

"We still gonna see where this could take us?" he pauses for a second to ask.

I hum in response. He starts to kiss down my neck and bunch up the hem of my jumper in his hands.

"May I?" His voice is like butter.

I'm so drunk on him I can't even form a response.

"Use your words sweetie"

"Yes" a desperate pathetic yes elicits itself from my lip.

He lifts up my jumper and then halts his movements. His voice is then laced with a bit of jealousy and sadness.

"What are these?" His fingers trace my collar bone, painted by Emile's lips. He rests his head on mine, still stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me. He takes a deep breath in and his arms tighten around my waist.

I'm speechless, motionless, pathetic.

"You know I'm here for you" he takes my hand in his and soothes it.

"I'm sorry"

"Just tell me it wasn't him"

I have no words to say back. My silence tells him everything.

"It was a moment of weakness" He sighs at the confirmation "I get it if you want to go"

"Don't be ridiculous I'm not going anywhere"

"Don't you hate me?" I feel like running away to a remote location and changing my name. Anything to not hurt Gianluca like I just have.

"I couldn't hate you" he turns me to look at him, the first time I've seen his eyes this whole interaction. They're glistened. "Not even if I tried. Pinky promise me this"

He lifts his pinky to ask for my promise.

"The next time you feel lonely you call me"I knew what he meant by lonely.

I promised him.

The moment had left at that point so we decided to follow suit and go back to out separate abodes.

When I get back into Mrs Hudson's she's sat on the sofa watching Chicago Med.

"Wanna see?" I say holding my camera.

"Yes please, who did you use in the end?"

"Remember that guy you confused for being my boyfriend?"

"Uh huh" she sounds excited now to look at the pictures.

She flicks through the pictures. She's impressed. Now I just have to ask who I have in mind for model number 2.

I walk into the room I now have set up at Mrs. Hudson's. I sit on the bed and cry. And cry. And cry even more. It's torn me apart hurting Gianluca like that. I debate picking up the phone and apologising but I don't want to ruin his day anymore. I feel beyond pathetic.

Between us and only us (Scamacca & Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now