Chapter 14

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"What do you mean 'the boyfriend' do you two know each other!" Emile says finally engaging me in a conversation for the first time tonight.

"We're friends!" I exclaim in clear frustration.

"Oh what the friend you just talk shit about me with"

"No. The friend I talk to! In case you haven't noticed I don't have many other people down here except you what else do I have to talk about!"

"Tell me. What has she said about me" he directs at Scamacca, once again pushing me out of the conversation turning his back to me "Tell me!"

Gianluca looks me in the eyes before redirecting his gaze to answer Emile.

"She says you ignored her for three days, she was upset." I glare daggers into him, whilst everyone knew what was going on those three days it wasn't for him to tell Emile how I felt. Even though I told Emile, countless times.

Everyone else at the table, only 4 other people, can feel the tension starting to rise. Every second of silence feels like a serving a life sentence.

"Oh for fucks sake how many more times am I gonna have to hear about this"

"Did you even say sorry?" Scamacca retorts with his tone still seemingly platonic anger.

"Yes I did and then we kissed and made up like the happy couple we are!" Emile's sarcasm dresses up his jealousy. His possessive nature once upon a time seemed heroic and attractive now it just feels unwarranted and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

"And what about tonight eh?" Gianluca starts up at Emile again "She went and was sick and where were you?" I want to go and be sick again. I don't know where this is headed or what to expect.

Emile says nothing. He doesn't have anything to say, he knows he should've gone and helped.

"You have no right commenting on our relationship, you know that" he doesn't even look at Gianluca when he says this, he looks down at the table, he must knows he's in the wrong. He turns to face me.

"Your knight in shining amour come to save you has he?! Why does he think he has the right to comment on our relationship. What sort of shit have you be spouting behind my back?"

"What do you show worthy of a relationship. Maybe actually treat her like you love her and she'll want to be with you. Y/n what do you want. Am I right what's going on?" Gianluca regrets that the second it came out of his mouth but Emile is the only person in the room that disagrees with it.

Emile keeps his eyes locked on me.

"Don't you fucking answer him. I can't hear another fucking word of this I'm gone" Emile looks me dead in the eye, scoffs and walks out.

I immediately go after him because I don't know what else to do. I have nowhere else to go.

"Y/n you don't have to go with him" Scamacca says reaching for my arm.

"What other option do I have?"

His eyes tell me his response even if words fail him. He wants me to go with him but right now I'm so angry at the fact he's put me in this position I can't even look at him. I pull away and follow Emile out to the car.

The four other guys at the table: Xhaka, Bukayo, Declan and Martin are uncomfortable and unsettled. They all, aside from Declan who had no prior context, felt bad mostly for y/n - they're not sure Emile isn't in the wrong.

"Emile stop please, you didn't even give me a chance to say anything"

"Why should I. You don't think you've embarrassed me enough" he screams at me. Even though we're outside I know they can all hear us.

Between us and only us (Scamacca & Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now