Chapter 20

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"Oh y/n" Gianluca says with a small tut when he hears the door shut. He heard me sneak out but is enjoying our little cat and mouse situation. He let he believe he was asleep.

Whilst I wait for the taxi home my mind races.
I think about how the program starts in 6 hours.
I think about Scamacca's hands all over me.
I think about how I need to get a place of my own.
I think of Milly who had to make her way home by herself, god am I a shit friend?
I think about what comes next.
This is way too much to think about at 4:12am.

I get back to Mrs Hudson's at 5am and tip toe my way through door before realising she's always at the gym at this hour so that she doesn't bump into her students, makes sense.

I don't want to go sleep. Sleeping would be admitting the night is over and I have to go on a live my life now, oh how pathetic do I sound but it felt so good to finally be able to order off the menu rather than just staring at it.

I jump in the shower to try and make myself presentable again. Last nights makeup and fake tan still caked on, whilst my hair had the normal amount of product in it it was a bit sweatier than usual.

Whilst in the shower I look down at my legs having previously not realising all the bruises on my inner thigh, worth it though. I smile looking down at them, really worth it.

As I walk out I feel the urge to check my phone but neglect it.

I get my bag packed which isn't a long task, everything is set up in my studio bar my main camera. I sit down to have a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table and that's when I finally check my messages.

- you have 3 new voicemails -

That's odd. I can't remember the last time I had a voicemail.

"Message number one : Hey y/n its Bukayo here. I'm sorry I know you want to get on with your life there are some videos on Twitter of you and Scamacca. The guys are headed to the club you're at. I don't know really what to do but I'm sorry in advance"

Regardless of the situation you can always count on Saka to be sweet. HOLD THE FUCK UP there were videos on Twitter. Doing what? I know I was drunk but did I do anything that stupid! Were there ever any videos of me and Emile! I hang up my voicemail and immediately Google Scamacca to find these videos. Whatever videos were out there clearly didn't cause enough stir for headlines but clearly enough for Emile to know. Should I feel bad about that? Does anyone aside from friends know who I am and that it's me?

I pick the voicemail back up. Intrigued.

"Message number 2: I know we're over. I know I hurt you but do you have to be with him. That's clearly all he wanted from the start. He broke us up on purpose. Please come home"

Emile sounds drunk off his ass. Regardless I can't ignore the pain in his voice. I don't think he's wrong but I don't think he's in the right. At least he can finally admit what he did. I still feel bad that I hurt him though. But it's not my issue, I have to tell myself so, he needs to learn that I am my own person and not his girlfriend and shall see whom ever I want.

"Message number 3: (incoherent noise)"

Oh that's embarrassing. It would appear Ginaluca must've butt dialled me whilst we were in the taxi and I was getting a replay through my phone. I panic and try to turn it off.

"What is that noise?" Mrs Hudson walks through the door to the sound of mine and Scamacca's night together.

"It's not what you think!!" And I finally manage to hit the hang up button.

"So the dress worked?" She gives my an overtly curious look.

"Very well" I reply feeling heat rush to my face as I smile as wide as my ears thinking about its reality.

I'm sat with my mentor for the program in his office. He's talking me through the different steps we'll go through and what he wants from me and the opportunities I'll receive from this program.

"We don't provide models. We prefer you use friends or any contacts you have, we want to see what you can bring to the table. You're not just photographer you have to be a director and a visionary"

I mean the one friend I have has proven his modelling abilities before. At this time he is also the only option I have.

"For this first project I want something sultry, the full details will be in the folder that should have arrived at your address either yesterday or this morning"

Uh oh.

"Apologies I can't believe it slipped my mind. I've moved out recently. Where can I file my new address?"

"The number at the bottom of the emails, ring that and you should be able to clear it up. Do you need us to send you another folder?"

"No. The person I lived with still lives at the address I can go collect it" is this a bad idea?

He talks me through the rest of the project. We exchange pleasantries and say goodbye. I'm excited to start and get going and take my first step into the photography world. Not so excited that path takes me back home. No not home, Emile's.

I look down and he's gotten rid of the welcome mat. Realising the key is still in the bottom of my bag, he'll probably want it back but not meaning to impose I knock.

"Y/n?!" His expression is happy, it's soft, it's how he used to look at me. Then he realises I'm not here to stay and his mood deflates. That sent my stomach hollow "How are you?"

"I'm good" I remember that whatever I was caught doing with Scamacca last night he's seen "There should be a parcel for me?"

"Yeah just give me a second" I watch him retrieve it, he'd put it in the living room. "You don't mind me asking, what is it?"

"My first folder for the photography program, I had my first session today."

"Oh decent how was it?" There it was, we were how we were again but separate. He genuinely wanted to know what had happened.

"He just talked me through what I'd have to do and where it'll take me and who will be viewing my work and such"

"I'm sorry" he interjects me when as I try to think of what to say "I should've been better. I get you don't want me back and I don't blame you but can we not hate each other?"

"Deal" I say holding my hand out for him to shake. I don't want to hate him.

"Need any models?" He shoots me a sarky grin.

There's a moments pause between us. We don't want to say goodbye. Not yet.

I see him look me and and down. I return the favour.

"Do you wanna come in?" It's husky, it's not the Emile I was talking to 2 minutes ago.

I don't even respond. I walk in and attach our lips. Shamelessly grabbing his shirt to rid any space between us. He wastes no time ridding me of my shirt. I go to kiss him again when he grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"Fuck me you're beautiful"

Within minutes any and all clothing are gone and with godly strength we make it to what was once our bedroom. Words aren't exchanged. It's only now as I lay on the bed, in his arms, that I realise what I need to say.

"I'm sorry" I say removing myself from his arms and start to redress myself.

"You've got nothing to apologies for, you were good" the vulgarity made my stomach hurt.

I keep my back to him as I put my clothes back on. I start to leave which is when he gets up to follow me.

"Wait y/n you're leaving?" He says chasing me down the stairs.

I pick up my back and my folder and dig out my key.

I take one last look at his face before I commit to a life without it.

"Goodbye" I place the key in his hand before walking out the door.

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