Chapter 11

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I haven't heard anything from Gianluca since that day in the studio. Whilst it may have only been 3 days ago it's felt an eternity.

The more these last three days have gone on the more I've anticipated the party. I'd be hesitant to call it excitement however as these last three days have also felt like living with a different person. It's so odd how you can see someone every day and feel like you don't know them. Ever since I discovered there's something Emile is keeping from me the more it's felt like I don't know him at all. Then I ponder to actually how much he knows of me. I know he knows the me he met all that time ago, back then he wanted to know everything he could about the mystery girl he met. But no, I'm certainly not the same person and I can't remember the last time it felt like he listened to a word I've said.

I'm planning on talking to him tomorrow but I don't want to ruin tonight for him, it's his best friends party he doesn't deserve me ruining it.

Emile finally gets a break at training. He arrived an hour earlier than he should've to get some extra work in and also because keeping this secret from y/n is killing him, being at home makes him feel like a liar.

"You ready for tonight?" a very happy Bukayo sing songingily says to his friend dancing towards him, whilst he lay on the grass of the training pitch.

"Yeah. I'm thinking I might finally tell y/n about her big surprise" he smiles at the thought. He'd been planning for months how he'd ask her.

"You sure about this man, it's big?" Bukayo says lying down on the grass next to his friend.

Emile looks up at the sky and imagines what it'd be like.

"it's just the start, it's nothing more than a promise" Emile can't tell who he's trying to convince, himself or his friend.

"and if she doesn't want it?"

"she won't say no" Emile retorts back.

I'm at work getting some coffee ready for this lovely group of old ladies that always come to the shop on Fridays after shopping. This one lady always has a compliment to hand out and it's quickly become the highlight of my Friday shifts.

"Would you get a load of that" one of the ladies says and points behind me "wonder if he's on the menu" she giggles to the lady sitting next to her.

I turn to look to where she's pointed.

"Hello stranger" I say walking back behind the counter seeing Gianluca walk in with a friend who if my memory serves me right is Jarrod Bowen.

"What can I get you?" instantly I feel a smile spreading as far as my ears at finally seeing him again.

"Hi" he says with a cheeky smile with a hint of a giggle "I would like one latte and my friend would like" he turns to Jarrod signalling him to order.

"uhm just a tea will do me please and maybe a doughnut please"

It's hard not to giggle, they're an odd pair but a daftly cute one.

"all togther that will be £5.35" Gianluca pays and they and sit in the booth that just over a week prior was filled with me and him.

"Don't worry I'm sure they'll be a pretty girl tonight and you can stop moping" Jarrod says to his friend.

"I am not moping" Gianluca says pointing his finger a Jarrod "I just want a chance and the universe is putting everything in the way to stop me. She doesn't even like him why is she still with him"

"I don't know man, but one things for sure - it's got to be her decision" Jarrod tries to reassure him.

"I don't know maybe i'll try and find someone tonight"

I soon arrive with their drinks and doughnut. Gianluca looks up at me but I have to force myslef to keep my eyes on the drinks.

I need to remind myself i'm not a free agent and I don't want to lead him on no matter how much I want to look into his gorgeous brown eyes.  It's not fair on him.

They're still sat in the booth when I clock out at 4. As are the old ladies from earlier as I walk away they wish me luck tonight, i'll admit we gossip way more than we should but they're wise beyond my years.

I get in about 4:20 and realise i've beaten Emile home so I go to grab a shower first because I know i'll want to take longer. I hear the door open whilst i'm in the shower followed by Emile questioning where I am. I shout back at him that i'm in the shower and hear him hastly make his way upstairs and reach the door of the bathroom.

"Oh really" he says with a mockingly innocent tone, I know where this is going.

"Well you know" he opens the door "we really don't have a lot of time to get ready" I hear his shirt and shorts be thrown on the floor "I think I should join you maybe, to save time"

I open the shower curtain slightly to allow him in.

"Perfect timing I was just finished" I walk out as he steps in and grab my towel.

"Seriously?" he askes looking at me using the curtain to stay decent.

"oh come on, I need to get ready" I emphasise the I and close the bathroom door behind me.

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