Ch. 21 ~ The Highschool

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Y/n's POV

A walker infested parking lot...that's what we were met with as we peered over the few cars we hid behind. The woods led us to a small street with a few houses and at the top was the highschool.

We stuck to the grass and walked up a small hill bank that met with the parking lot behind the school. Cars which were still parked in the bays near the bank were our current source of cover away from the eyes of the dead.

Thankfully we'd ditched the truck around a mile back, maybe more. That's why we had trekked the remaking distance through the woods and found ourselves ducking behind cars. The usually 10 minutes drive turned into an hour as we detoured our way through the woods towards the school.

We had left by the time evening had fallen so it was no surprise that dusk had caught up to us. Shane and Otis were panting from our trek as they crouched behind a police cruiser. I was to their left crouched beside an ambulance.

I shifted on my feet as I tried to sneakily peer into the open back doors of the ambulance to see if there was anything we'd be able to grab. I stopped in my step as my foot kicked something that made a quiet clanking noise.

I looked down at my feet and there I saw in a plastic zipper bag, a small glass vile of cloudy liquid accompanied by an unused syringe. I bent down and quickly swiped it up. As I did I read the label on the glass vile.

Lidocaine. This would be useful for T-Dog I thought as I shoved the zippy bag into one of my back pockets. I glanced back over at Shane and Otis just as they slid down the police cruiser.

"You guys see that...that mobile medical trailer across the way?" Otis spoked in a hush whisper as he glanced between Shane and I. Shane and I both peered back out towards the lot. And as Otis said there was a trailer with a big emergency medical service sign attached to the side of its metal walls.

I looked back at Otis and nodded as Shane slumped back down. He didn't look impressed at the situation. "That's what we got to get to?" I heard him ask in disbelief.

"Yeah..." Otis replied in a tone which told us of the unfortunate situation we'd found ourselves in.

"Hey, we need a plan." I whispered over to them.

"Way to go for pointing out the obvious." Shane grumbled back.

I crouched down and quickly scrambled my way over closer to the two as I now joined them on the ground behind another police cruiser. "Don't get on your high horse with me Shane, shut up and listen." I whispered yelled back at him.

I squatted and lent against the cruiser as I began to tell them the plan. As I went over it, making sure both Shane and Otis understood what to do, the dusky sky got darker and by the time I was finished going over the plan we had very little light left before the sky would turn the streets pitch black.

"Right, you both understand and onboard with the plan?" I asked one last time, glancing at both their faces as they nodded.

I glanced back over the cruiser one last time making sure no walkers had sensed us yet. I crouched back down once the coast was clear. "Alright, Shane, do your thing."

That's said Shane came around and in between our two cruisers as he walked in a crouched position around to the drivers side. He held his shotgun upright using it as support as he manoeuvred himself.

Meanwhile Otis and I kept watch of the walker infest parking lot. We'd all agreed if a walker got to close for comfort I'd shoot it down since my Holger was equipped with a silencer.

The sound of the driver's door popping open with a small screech made me glance back at Shane as he tried to quietly open the door but the door wasn't so quiet. To our luck though the sound of the screeching door didn't catch anything's attention.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now