A Nightmarish Dream

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As I stood at the edge of a cliff,

Contemplating my next step,

I heard a voice coming from the abyss,

'Don't jump,' it said, 'oblivion isn't bliss.'

All I could see was darkness,

Unable to make out what's below,

I wondered if I should plunge to my death,

Taking one last deep breath?

'Don't do it!' The voice came.

Who was down there? I couldn't see,

Deep in my thoughts, I mused again,

Should I step forward before I go insane?

As I kept standing there, on the ledge,

Thinking about how quiet everything had become,

My heartbeat was the only sound I heard,

So loud, it filled my very soul with dread.

Not a ray of light I was able to see,

The pitch black had engulfed me,

I had yet to make up my mind,

If I jumped, what would I find?

A cool breeze played with my hair.

I felt so many emotions at once,

Wanting to fall down into a bottomless pit,

I felt my despair, there was no end to it.

Life wasn't good, nothing holding me back,

Thinking of everything I had lost,

'You fool!' At last, I heard it again,

'Your life isn't all bad, don't die in vain.'

I took a step back, feeling free.

I made my decision, no longer afraid.

Closing my eyes, I decided not to leap,

That last hope I would forever keep.

That's when I woke up with a start,

Shaken back to reality, gasping,

'What an odd dream,' I thought,

'I won't lose to death after the battle I have fought.'

Stretching my arms, I soaked in the sunlight.

Coming through the open window, the start of a new day,

The dream would stay with me forever, I knew that,

Yet, living a worthy life, I was going to take a shot at.

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