A Castle That Sleeps

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I live in a castle that is asleep,

The world hears its walls as they weep.

Everything here is stilted,

Every breath you take is tainted.

Sadness and despair walk unbidden,

Smiles and laughter are here forbidden.

I stroll through the halls so grand,

Time slipping through my hands like sand.

A place so majestic to behold,

A story so eloquent when it is told.

But all is not what it seems,

There is a creature living in the beams.

Soon, it will wake up and open its eyes,

The whole world will see when it flies.

It sleeps with the castle, unafraid and free,

It knows all that mortals can never see.

Sleeping castle slumbered in its own time loop,

There but not there, hiding behind a souls' troop.

If you walk by, don't stop and don't come near,

It's majestic but it's also something you should fear.

It's a home, a love, I live in this castle that sleeps,

Along with its walls, my heart also weeps.

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