Be Humble

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You wear expensive clothes and look down on the poor,

Forgetting that the One who has blessed you,

Can take it all away too,

Stay humble, nothing in this world is truly yours.

This money that you spend so carelessly,

It might not always be there,

Life can change in an instant,

What is yours today may not belong to you tomorrow.

Feeling sorry for those you deem beneath yourself,

Don't forget that your life is not all yours,

If you're at the top and think everyone else is dirt,

You might end up worse than them, beware!

If you overlook the bigger picture,

And fill your heart with false pride,

You'll definitely fall down on your face,

Because what goes around must come around too.

Be humble and be kind, no one is poor because they want it,

Be thankful and be gentle, not all those suffer deserve it,

Life is more complicated than you can understand,

Put your best foot forward, and hope that your riches last.

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