Part 1

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It was 6 am in The Glade, 6 am is when the maze doors open and Minho and Ben go and run it for a few hours before coming back. most days I go with Minho in the maze since I'm keeper of the runner's but Alby asked me to help Newt in the garden today since the other gardeners have a cough, or something like that. even though I'm second in charge of The Glade, I still do everything Alby says, even if it's really stupid. I walked over to where Ben and Minho were getting their gear ready for todays run, shit I wish I could go.  " got everythin'?" I asked Minho crossing my arms. " yeah we just need the knifes, can you go grab them for me?" he asked me with that stupid smirk of his. " what? jealous you can't come today?" he said with a fake pout. I smacked the back of his head and ran to get the knifes before Ben could get inpatient and jump into the maze without good equipment. " you're lucky I'm not running with you today, I woulda fed you to the grievers." I say handing him the knifes, blade pointing towards him. " nice try shortie." He said, grabbing the top of the knife instead of the bottom which I hoped he would have grabbed.  " I am not short!" I yelled, laughing. " see ya at the bonfire shortie!" Minho yelled back as he and Ben ran into that stupid maze before I could say anything.  I rolled my eyes and walked back to the middle of The glade and back to my hut. I was still in my sleep wear which was basically just a messed up hoodie and shorts since I didn't  usually get dressed this early unless I was running but not today so I didn't need to at this hour. A while later, I changed into a black sports bra since it was hot out and put on a pare of black jeans and tied my hair up.  after I got done getting dressed I stepped out of my hut, squinting my eyes from the sudden change of lighting. now that is was lighter outside everyone was awake now so that meant it was time for breakfast. me and Frypan cook food for everyone, I cook breakfast and lunch, and at night me and Frypan make dinner together since there's more then 50 boys to feed. today I just cooked some eggs from the coop and fried them, put some carrots and red peppers from the garden and that's pretty much it. eggs is usually what I make but with different things, sometimes I make a salad with some stuff from the garden but today carrots and peppers was all the gardeners gave me.  When I finished cooking breakfast I put the eggs into one wooden bowl Alby made and the peppers and carrots into another. " Breakfast is done! get your asses over here before I eat it all!" I yelled loud enough the grievers could hear me. A few seconds go by and I see a swarm of boys running up to the food hut like their life's depended on it. " Mornin' Y/N" Gally said while grabbing a small pile of food.  the rest of the boys got their food, me being last like always, I got the same small pile just like the others. I sat down my usual table, with Alby, Chuck and Newt. sometimes gally would sit with us but I always kick him off. Newt sat next to me with Chuck and Alby on the other end. me and newt were good friends so we always talked about weird stuff. " what are we working on in the garden?" I asked newt. "just help with the fertilizer and planting" he said while taking a bite of his food. I nodded and continued eating my breakfast until we heard a familiar sound. The Box, it was coming up this month, I almost forgot about it. we all sat up quickly, me and Alby in front running up to it. the box finally stopped and Gally jumped in front of us and opened the box doors, it was dark for a moment but we saw everything that was in there, animals, crates, clothes, and a boy. he had dark hair, almost curly, tanned skin and he was sweating. " day one greenie, rise and shine" Gally said pulling the greenie out of the box. the boy pushed past us and started running, faster then Minho that's for sure. " hey we got a runner!!" Zart shouted from next to me. the boy soon tripped over himself and looked around to see the maze walls around us. " I'll get him" I said quickly before the kid could run into the maze. I tackled him to the ground and grabbed his arms, holding them behind his back. " you need to calm your ass down" I said before letting him up only to push him into the pit,  tying the vines once he was in. " he's all yours" I said to Alby before I walked off to help Gally and Winston get the stuff out of the box.

Alby knelt down to the pit, undoing the vines I tied before. "  my name's Alby, can you tell me who you are? where you came from?" Alby asked while reaching his hand out to help the boy out of the pit. " I-I can't remember anything..." he trailed. " why can't I remember anything?" the boy said, fiddling with his fingers before taking Alby's hand. " it's alright, it's normal. you'll get your name back in a day or two. it's the one thing they lets us keep.  but for now, I'll show you around."  

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