Part 5

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I turned my body and faced Minho, on his knees and panting. " good job, you just killed you self, shortie." Minho chuckled and looked over to Alby, so did I. " ahh you know I couldn't leave y'all in here."  I walked over to Alby, kneeling beside him. I moved his head and felt his pulse. " we can't leave him here like this." I shook my head and stood up, checking our surroundings, hearing a Griever or two click down in the Maze. " come on." was all Minho said. " grab the other arm." I took Alby's left arm and put it over my shoulder as we stumbled farther into the Maze, I looked up to see a large ivy wall and turned to Minho. "What about up there?" I suggested, he nodded and we sat Alby down. Minho pulled some ivy down and wrapped it around Alby's shoulders and waist. we started to pull him up on the wall when we heard the click of a Griever, it was close, too close. " Y/N, we gotta go, know!" Minho whispered. " just a little more Minho!" he let go of the rope, causing me to stumble into the wall, still holding Alby. " Minho!" The Griever was now making its way towards us, slowly. Minho looked at me before he said; "sorry Y/N." and with that he ran.  The Griever was just a few feet away when I slid under the thick ivy of the wall, keeping a tight hold on the rope which held Alby. the large metal legs of the Griever stomped a first step in front of me, Slowly walking. my jaw dropped slightly and my hand clamped over my mouth. my eyes followed it, my eye lids widening at every step it took. I started to sweat, a small scream almost escaped my lips at the sight of this... thing

The Griever finally made its way passed me and went down another long corridor. I got up, shaking and leaning on the wall behind me. I bent down and tied the rope that held Alby, as I was tying, I heard the Griever screech. I tried to tie the rope as quickly as I could when it started coming back this way, towards me again. just as I finished securing Alby, I ran behind the wall on my left, just a second before the Griever came back. I started looking frantically, trying to find a way to run if the Griever came my way. but instead of coming my way, it went down the corridor behind me. " shit" I let out the breath I was holding. I looked behind me to ensure the Griever was gone. once again, I let out another sigh of relief before I started walking deeper into the Maze. but as I was walking, I felt a sticky goo on my bottom of my shoe. I looked down and shook my foot free of the goo. just as my foot got free, I felt something drizzling on my shoulder. I dipped my finger into it and realized. Slowly, I looked up, and there it was. The Griever. right in front of me. It jumped down from its spot on the in between the walls as I fell to the ground. The Griever stepped close and roared. " oh fuck that. " I yelled and quickly got to my feet and started running for my life.

First, I ran right, almost running into the wall in front of me. I looked behind me for a slip second, seeing that the Griever started chasing me. next I ran left, I realized that I wasn't hearing the large slimy monster behind me but I kept running.  I came across a long corridor with many lefts and rights, but, just as I was about to run down, the Griever took the other way, the short cut and leapt in front of me. " oh shit.." I mumbled. I stepped back a bit and once again, ran left since the only other option was to run toward the Griever. I continued to run until I thought I lost it, but I came to a dead end. " you've got to be fucking kidding me." The Griever came up again and started to corner me slowly. I checked my surroundings and saw a large chunk of stone laying on the ground and ran over to it, hoisting my self up in the wall and climbing it, the Griever not far behind. I tripped over my feet a little but got back up quickly, jumping over a large gap in the Maze, hitting my back. I watched as it climbed over the wall so easily. I stumbled to my feet kept running and almost fell of a ledge, which lead to a wall with ivy growing all over it. I looked back, The Griever just a few feet from me, I glared back at the ivy wall. " fuck it." I yelled and I ran and jumped.

I held my arms out dragged down a bit when I landed on the ivy wall. the Griever jumped a few moments after I did. once it landed, its left arm slashed my hip, leaving a large cut. I yelled in pain. I turned my head, it was trying to sting me, shit. I moved out of the way just in time and let go of the ivy, hitting the ground, the wind got knocked out of me, leaving me breathless for a few seconds. The Griever fell, taking the entire wall of ivy with it, leaving it tangled up. I moved out of its way before just in time before it fell. I got to my feet and stumbled back a few steps. I started speed walking down to another section, I glared at the Griever struggling to get untangled, it was close to being free. Once I got to the two way Maze Section, I looked both ways and then back at the Griever. I sighed, looked down at my wound then back at the Griever. I was about to run left but that's when Minho ran up to me, grabbing my shoulder, it scared me a bit. " you crazy son of a bitch!" he said swiftly. we both turned our faces to the Griever who was damn well close to free of the ivy. " come on! follow me come on!" Minho yelled and took my arm. the Griever was free now and started chasing us. Minho and I ran down another section. The Maze was starting to change, we could tell by the sounds The Maze was making. Minho looked up for a few moments that back at me. " okay, it's changing it's changing!" He yelled. " come on!" we both stopped at a section. " This section's closing! come on! we can loose it down here!" he starter sprinting down the closing wall but I stayed, I looked back to where we came from, waiting for the Griever to come. Minho was already out of the crushing wall. "Y/N! what are you waiting for?! get out of there!" I heard Minho yell from across the section. The Griever came up and roared loudly and stomped its feet on the ground harshly. " come on!" I yelled and the Griever started darting towards me. I waited two seconds before I started running through the crushing walls. " come on, Y/N! don't look back!" Minho shouted. the walls were only a few feet from each other, the Griever was starting to get crushed but it still was right behind me. " come on! Y/N! lets go!" I kept running, only thinking about three things; The Glade, My Friends, And most of all, Newt. " Y/N!!"

{ sorry I didn't post this part sooner I've been really busy with some stuff and really not motivated but I'm gonna try to post for you guys more often! and yes I changed the cover!}

{word count: 1332}

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