Part 7

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She's the Last One, ever....

As soon as I heard Newt say those five words, i knew what was about to happen. This was the last time the Box would ever come up...  

I never thought this day would actually come, the day the Creators would stop giving us what we needed. I mean I really thought they'd just keep giving us everything we needed for the rest of our lifes. but why... why send up another girl? why give us another mouth to feed? why the note in her hand? Thomas seemed to recognize her, like he knew her from his past life. but he wouldn't remember that would he?

"What the hell does that mean?" Newt said, suddenly, the girl awoke and struggled for air. "Thomas.." she mumbled and then passed out. I slowly looked over at Thomas, maybe he's the reason this happened. I rushed over to Thomas and shoved him a little, "how does she know you? why did she say your name like she knew you, Thomas?!" I yelled, he stayed silent. "Love.." I heard Newt in the background but ignored him. "How. Do. You. Know. Her?!" I yelled again, this time he looked up. "I have no idea who she is okay?!" Thomas raised his voice, which he has never done before. "well its fucking obvious she knows you!" I pushed him again, this time he fell to the ground. Gally came up to the two of us and shoved me away, catching Newt's attention, " Don't you touch her Gally." he said in a low tone, Gally backing off quicky. " this"- i waved my hand between Thomas and the girl-" this is fucking bullshit Newt, Thomas has to have something to do with this!" i yelled at Newt and stormed away, going to my private hut. 

he has to have something to do with this, there is absolutely no way in hell she just said 'Thomas' randomly. he knows something, and I'm going to get it out of him, even if i have to use force. 

A few hours go by and I'm still in my hut, endlessly thinking about earlier today. I hear a knock on my door followed by a blonde boy opening it, "Hi sweetheart." Newt says, sitting down next to me, moving hair out of my face. " Hi" I say dryly, he sighs, taking my hand and guiding me to fully lay down in his arms where i snuggle up close to him. "What's on your mind my love?" he says, gently stroking my hand. "I don't trust Thomas, not after what happened earlier."  I replied quietly. "well, the girl hasn't woken up so I guess we should wait until she does." He says, I sigh.  "Don't think about it too much sweetheart, we don't know what's going on yet."  he exhales. "I know.." I say, cuddling closer to him, slowly falling asleep.

I'm walking down a hallway.... a long white corridor. A large steel door is at the end of the hallway. out of curiosity, I open it, the color in my face draining at what i see... Grievers, in tanks, large slightly green colored tanks with a strange liquid. there are so many of them I can barely count all of them, but I managed. 42 tanks. 42 tanks of growing Grievers...? what the hell is going on here? why am I here instead of the Glade? I need to get out of here. suddenly, I see three people walk into the same room as me. Two girls, one boy. As they get closer, I start to recognize them. Thomas... The mysterious girl from the box... and.. me? but I'm here.. that's when I hear them speak;  " we need to get this done Y/n before Dr. Paige gets back." Thomas said. "I know." the 'other me' said.  The mysterious girl pulls out a large needle, grabbed Other Me's arm, and injected something. just then, 'my' arms had black lines going up to my face, and then 'Other Me' shut their eyes for just a moment, opening them, one eye a dark, unhuman like black, the other perfectly normal.. then a another woman walked in, blue eyes, older, blonde hair up in a bun. her eyes widened at what she saw these three kids doing. "what the hell do you think you're doing?!" she yelled, "what did you.." she trailed off. " you did it didn't you?!" Other Me looked down as her arms still had black lines and her eyes still different colors, she nodded. " How many times have I told you to not to put The Hybrid serum in your body?! you know what that will do to you in your condition Y/n!" The hell is she talking about? Hybrid serum? " you three have been going behind my back many times doing this over and over so you can fully become the Cure." she sighed. " how many times have you injected that serum?" silence. "this is the third time Dr. Paige" Other Me mumbled. The woman put a hand over her mouth. " you being the Hybrid is bad enough Y/n, who knows what people will do when they find out your also the cure!" the cure to what...? the woman's eyes lifted for a moment. " I could put you in a maze trial.." Thomas and the Mysterious girl looked up, " are you crazy?!" Thomas yelled, The woman shushed him. " it's the only way to make sure people won't find out." she says calmly. " you'll forget everything about it.  nobody will know, the press, scientists, you and Thomas" she pointed between the girl and Thomas. " I'll put you two in a trial as well, nobody will ever know about this. Ever." she trails around the room, stopping to look at the tanks of Grievers. "what about Newt." Other me said, my heart started racing, Newt? "you will all forget each other." the woman said coldly before walking out of the room. I feel like I'm being shaken awake....

"Love wake up,  the girl from the box is awake and not happy bout' it." I open my eyes and nod to Newt. was that all a dream? why did it feel so real? I feel extra drowsy today for some reason, I barely got out of bed to see what Newt was talking about. I walked out my hut door and continued to wonder about my 'dream'.... what if that dream wasn't really a dream, what if it was the truth..?

Thank you guys for reading part 7!! I know its been a while since I've updated this story but i thought about how much you guys like it and I started up writing it again! also I'm sooo excited because this story hit 1k reads!! ahh!!  anyways thats all guys! byee!!

word count;1140

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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