Part 3

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We stared at each other for another moment, I mean, we've stared at each other before but nothing like this. I never thought I'd get butterfly's like this for Newt, the way he looked at me I never noticed before, how he talks to me . But, sadly our moment broke when we heard loud shouts coming from the Gladers.  I quickly looked back at the bonfire to see everyone gathered around the fighting pit and the Greenie no where in sight. " shit." I shot up and starting running up to the bonfire, Newt quickly following behind me. Once I reached the fighting pit I pushed my way through to see Gally beating the living shit out of the Greenie. "Gally!" I shouted over the loud yelling of the Gladers. " ahh Y/N" Gally said while glaring at me. " Gally you know you're not supposed to challenge the new kids!" I said while practically staring into his soul with my returned glare. " oh come on Y/N! he basically challenged me!" he said while knocking the Greenie on the ground. the boys head hit hard on the ground, hard to enough to crack his skull.  " god dammit Gally!" I shouted and stormed in the fighting pit. I punched Gally hard in the face causing him to fall to the ground almost just as hard as the greenie did. " oh you little-" Gally started on but I Pushed him down once again. just before I hit him again, I turned to the greenie to see him groaning from when his head was hit. The boys face froze and he quickly stumbled to his feet. " Thomas..." He mumbled as I shortly ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders. "  do you remember your name?" I questioned, trying to steady his unstable balance. " I-I remember my name I'm Thomas!" Thomas shouted and everyone went quiet for a moment. " Thomas!!" Alby shouted holding up his drink. the other Gladers shouted the same thing and all showered him with small hugs and shoulder-shakes. " nice to meet ya, Thomas." I nudged his shoulder. I slowly walked my way backwards out of the growing crowd around Thomas. " nice hit to Gally's face." I heard Newt say from behind me. " thanks." I chuckled and continued to walk. " where are you going now?" he asked, stepping a bit closer and crossing his arms. " going to sleep, I got work tomorrow." I ran my right arm through my hair and smiled a bit. " all right, well, goodnight Y/N." Newt said while starting to walk back to his hammock. " oh Newt!" I shouted. " yeah?" the British boy questioned. " thanks for always being there for me." I said back in a soft tone. he smiled at me once again and we both walked off.

{the next morning}

I slowly woke up the next morning only to feel a large hand clamp over my mouth. I grabbed the person's wrist and started to twist it, not realizing who it was. I looked up, my hand still latched around their wrist. My eyes locked with Newts, he let his hand off my mouth and put a finger to his. " Newt what the hell?" I whispered, clearly tired and frustrated. "shh, I want to show you something." He whispered back to me and started walking off. I nodded and got up and walked out of my hut with him. He was a few steps in front of me so I quickened my pace and caught up to him. " where are we going?" I whispered. Just as Newt stopped, I almost tripped over him but halted just in time. " look up." he said softly and quietly. I did as he said and turned my gaze up. my heart almost stopped at the sight. " beautiful, isn't it?" We both were looking at the most incredible sunrise I've ever seen; the sky a mix of purple and blue, the stars and moon still visible but fading. " whoa." I said simply, I moved my head back down and met Newt's glistening eyes.      " I never thought something this gorgeous was possible.." I smiled widely at him and turned back to the sky and stayed there for a moment. " Y/N..." Newt said softly as I snapped out of my gaze. what was he going to say?  I thought to myself as butterflies invaded my stomach. " yes?"  he stared at me for a small moment before speaking again. " you are the most beautiful girl in the world" he paused, "y-you're smart and kind and independent and-"  I cut him off by chuckling and kissing him softly, cupping his cheeks then wrapping my arms around his neck. his hands wrapped them self's around my waist and pulled me closer. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. " I love you, Y/N"  those four words made my smile grow even wider. " what about Alby? what would he say?" I lowered my hands down to his shoulders. "  it doesn't matter what he says, let him throw a tantrum for all I care." The blonde boy answered. the one thing I haven't told any one was how big of a crush I had on Newt, ever since her came up, I was always waiting for this very moment in time. and finally, it happened. " you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that." I chuckled. " Y/N, will you do the honors of being my one and only girlfriend?" The British boy asked with probably the biggest smile I've ever seen. " yeah.." I said in almost a whisper and pulled him back in for a second kiss. " come on, love, you still look tired." I nodded and he took me back to my hut. I lay down in my bed and flipped on my side. I heard the wooden door of my hut open and I quickly turned my head to the door. " you can stay if you want." I smiled and turned back around. I heard the door close and foot steps walking closer and closer. I scooted over and felt my bed sink a bit and Newt's arms wrapped around me, I turned my body around and let my head rest on his chest as we both fell back asleep.

{word count: 1071}

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