Part 6

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Crack... Crack... Crack...

The Maze Doors, they were opening, finally. " Minho, the Doors." I told Minho as we carried Alby through the Maze. " Alright, come on, lets get back to the Glade." He said, I nodded and started walking back to the entrance of the Glade. Alby's left arm was draped over my shoulder, his right arm over Minho's As we were walking, I felt a sharp pain where the Griever slashed my side."          shit!" I shouted. " what's wrong?!" Minho asked as we gently placed Alby down on the ground. I leaned against a wall. I looked down, my cut was infected, a red ring around it, bleeding slightly. I let my head fall back against the wall. " You gotta clean that when we get back, Y/N, that's bad." Minho said as he crossed his arms, looking down at the large cut. " Yeah, yeah I got it." I breathed. " let's just get Alby back for now, he's more important." I said as I got down, picked up Alby's arm again and stood back up. Minho did the same. " we're almost to The Doors, just a few more turns away." he nodded and we started walking once again.

{Newt's POV}

I had a difficult time sleeping last night after Y/N ran into the Maze. The same words played over and over again in my mind; 'I love you Newt'. All I could think about was if she was okay or not, If Minho and Alby were alright. I lay in bed, debating if I should be at the Doors when they open, but at the same time, I had the slightest hope that Y/N would come out of that god forsaken Maze. I thought it would be best to get up and wait with the others when the doors open. Slowly, I got out of bed, put work clothes on and walked out of my hut and to the Doors, The other boys were either already there or walking up. The Doors were about to open when I got over there, so I started speed walking over. Once I got there I pushed my way to the front where Chuck was. Finally, the Doors started opening. The anticipation was killing me, I started fiddling with my fingers. Last night, I told Chuck they weren't coming back, I was starting to regret saying that, hoping it wouldn't be true. The Doors were all the way open now, but they weren't there... My heart dropped, I clenched my fists until they were white and held back my tears as I looked down at Chuck, Who just stared in disbelief. I placed my hand on his shoulder and said; " I told you Chuck, they're not coming back." I said as everyone including me starting walking away.        " no way" Zart said from behind me, but I kept walking. " yeah!!" Chuck shouted as everyone turned back around to see what they were talking about. I hesitated, but looked back as well. My eyes grew wide and I ran back over and saw Y/N and Minho dragging Alby out in the distance.

{Y/N's POV} 

Me and Minho took one last left turned and there we were, just a few feet from the Glade I saw Chuck and he shouted something but I don't know what. but I wasn't looking for Chuck in particular, no. I was looking for Newt. It took a moment but I finally saw him, He started running back to the Doors when Chuck started talking. We made eye contact for a moment and I started walking faster, Minho did the same. just a few more steps, Y/N, you can do it. and we were out. Me and Minho gently lay Alby down as the others got a closer look. For a moment I lost Newts eyes but juts a few seconds later he pushed through the boys just as Minho and I dropped to our knees out of exhaustion. Newts also dropped to his knees and quickly hugged me as tight as he possibly could, I did the same. " bloody hell Y/N!" he said as he cupped my face with his hands. " don't you ever do that to me again, Love." I quickly nodded and kissed him. "Promise?" he said as he kissed my forehead. " Promise." I smiled. " you saw a Griever?" Chuck interrupted, Newt moved next to me. " Yeah, I saw one." I said wiping the sweat from my forehead and looked down at large slash in my side. " She didn't just see it, she killed it." Minho said from beside me. The Gladers all stared at me when he said that. " you killed it?" Newt whispered to me. " it got crushed while it was chasing me through a closing Section." I looked over at Alby for a moment. " did it sting you?"  Gally asked with a straight face that burned into my soul. " No, but it almost did." I looked up at Gally who was crossing his arms. " then what happened to your side?" he asked with rising suspicion. " its leg sliced through my side while I was stuck in ivy." I explained,    "Alby is clearly the bigger problem here. we need to get him to the Medhut."  Clint and Jeff nodded and took Alby to the Medhut, I stood up and followed them to clean my wound. Newt came with me.

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