Part 4

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{Newt's POV}    {sorry this part is hella long, ! MILD SMUT WARNING!}

Later that morning, I woke up before Y/n, my arms still wrapped around her and her laying close. I looked outside and saw that the sun was shining through the cracks of her hut.  I turned my head back around to face her. " love, we gotta get up, doors are opening soon." I said softly in her ear, earning a tired groan from her.  she turned her body so she was facing my chest, scooting up and nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. " five more minutes." the sun coming through the cracks shined in her eyes, she squinted them and groaned again, this time a bit louder.             " fine." with that she sat up and looked back at me smirking at her. " what?" she said rubbing her eyes. " you're just beautiful, that's all."  she rolled her eyes and chuckled. she then bent down and kissed me softly. " aren't Alby and Minho going to find ben's body today?" she asked when she pulled away. " yeah, I think so, Alby said not to let you go though." I added quietly knowing she'd get angry at Alby. " oh come on!" and there it was. " he never let's me go when we need to find a body!" she added to what she said before. " I know love." I sat up and kissed her cheek. " what random job is he giving me today? other then letting me do my actual job" She smiled and rolled her eyes. " he said to let you relax today." I said as I moved her hair out of the way of her neck and I placed small kisses on it, earning a satisfied sigh from her. She gasped a bit when I kissed a certain spot in between where her neck connects to her shoulders. I smirked and sucked on that spot, leaving a small hickey. "fuck..." she moaned quietly and turned her body. her eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes and smashed her lips against mine and swung her legs over my waist, straddling me. her arms flew my my hair and tugged a bit, mine went straight her to waist. she started grinding on me and that's when I let out a low groan.

{Y/N's POV}

When I heard Newt's groan I did it again, his grip on my hips got tighter and I started grinding on him faster while kissing him. "shit" he heard him say before he flipped us over so I was under him, he started to kiss my neck again and my hands went to his hair again but this time, he pinned my arms above my head as he pulled my hoodie over me. he admired my now exposed upper half as he bent his head down and started to kiss and suck my breasts. he took my left nipple in his mouth and palmed the other. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. " don't close those pretty eyes yet, love" He then continued but switched sides, sucking on my right nipple and palming the other. a few moments of doing that he moved down my stomach, kissing down to where I wanted him the most.  but then he stopped. 

he looked up at me and saw my confused expression. " sorry love, as much as I would like to keep going, I have to make sure Alby and  Minho get in the maze okay."  he kissed my lips once again and tried to pull away but I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him back down. he laughed and nuzzled his face in my neck as I laughed along side him, holding his upper half  with my arms and his lower half with my legs. "I promise, tonight, when everyone's asleep, I'll make you feel so good you won't be able to run the maze tomorrow." he whispered in  my ear which sent shivers down my spine, I let my arms fall slightly so he could support him self with his elbows. he kissed my forehead gently and pulled my hoodie back down, but just before he put it on me, he quickly kissed each of my breasts then pulled it down as I started laughing again then I smiled when he looked back up at me. I let my legs loosen from around his waist and he still sat in between them. he ran his hands over my thighs a few times then got off my bed. " I'll see you later darlin'"  I smiled widely and stood up in front of him and draped my arms over his neck, giving him one last kiss before he left my hut. "love you." he smirked again then walked over to the door and stepped out of my hut.

{2 hours later} 

It's been about 2 hours since Newt left my hut and Alby and Minho went off in the maze to find Ben's body. Of course Newt had to leave me horny as hell by teasing me like that, not gonna lie, Him telling me he was gonna 'make me feel so good I won't be able to run the maze tomorrow' kinda turned me on even more then I already was. even though I didn't know what he was going to do to me, the thought of him destroying me made me fucking wet. I snapped out of my thoughts and got out of bed and puts some real clothes on. I slipped on a dark green sports bra, which hung pretty low, and found some old green jeans and put them on and tied my hair up in a pony tail. was I trying to catch Newt's attention? absolutely. was he going to notice? maybe. it was time for breakfast so I stepped out of my hut and walked over to the Kitchens. maybe he would notice at breakfast since nobody has started their jobs yet. I entered the Kitchen to see Frypan putting eggs in a pot of boiling water. "Mornin' Y/N." Frypan said while putting the rest of the eggs in the pot. " morning"  I grabbed some lettuce from under the wooded counter and grabbed a knife. " Alby said to let you relax." He said while putting a lid cover on the boiling eggs. " it's fine, I'd rather be doing something then be doing nothing" I said while chopping lettuce. "ight" was all he said. " you can go, I'll do the rest for ya" He nodded and walked out of the Kitchen. I finished chopping the lettuce and grabbed small peppers, mushrooms and onions and cut them in small pieces. I mixed it up and placed it in a large wooden bowl. I then took the lid of the eggs and drained it, leaving the hard boiled eggs without water. I peeled them and put them in the salad. and breakfast was ready. " Come get your food ya shanks!" I shouted and then the boys started walking up to the Kitchens, I saw Newt in the distance between Gally and Thomas talking to each other while walking up. I quickly fixed my hair a bit, taking the pony tail out, then fixed my sports bra so it pushed up my breasts a little more then it already did. I ran my hand threw my hair to make it look fluffy. the first people to come up to the Kitchens was Clint, Jeff and Zart. " morning Y/N." said Zart as he took his food to his table along with Clint and Jeff. " morning" I'm guessing from the way Gally pointed at me to Newt, he knew we were a thing already. " dude, look, there's Y/N" Thomas said as he pointed at me along side Gally. I quickly turned my head around to make it seem like I didn't know he was there, but I felt his eyes burning into my skin as my back faced him. I grabbed extra bowls since the ones I had out before were almost gone from the boys that took food, I placed them down next to where the bowl of salad was. Newt, Gally and Thomas were next after the other two boys in front of them, I was nervous but excided to see Newt's face when we saw me. I was only nervous because Thomas and Gally were there too and I didn't know if Newt was going to do anything if they said something about me, I hoped they didn't. the two boys in front of them got their food and walked to a random table. the three boys lined up and came to the counter of the kitchen, first, Gally, then, Thomas, then, slowly, Newt came up.  " morning." I said kind of quietly as he grabbed his salad. I went to grab a fork for him since I forgot to get all 50 forks for all 50 boys. I turned back around to hand him his fork as I saw his eyes flicker from my half exposed chest to my eyes. luckily he was the last in line so nobody saw or got mad that he was holding up the line. " now, love," he started. I looked behind him then back to his eyes. "Who said you could look so hot?"  he continued, "now, darlin' with all these boys around I don't want em' gettin' the wrong idea." He leaned on the counter on his elbows and looked up at me. " well, you left me with a little problem this morning, so I thought I'd do the same thing for you. return the favor, ya know?" I smirked and stepped closer to the counter. " ah, so this is what this is about." He rolled is his eyes and laughed a bit. I raised my head and looked down at him and smirked once again, also stepping a few steps closer to him as his breath hitched. " what? Am I making it hard to control yourself, Newtie?" He got to my level with our faces just inches apart, his eyes kept flickering from my chest to my eyes. " you're making it very difficult, love." He said, moving his face closer, almost closing the gap between us. " hmm, good." I whispered and kissed his lips gently but swiftly. " c'mon, let's go eat." I nodded and got my bowl of salad and we walked over to where Thomas and Chuck were sitting. both of them giving us dirty looks. " You guys have fun over there? staring into each other's souls seductively?" Thomas said almost dying of laughter. I  turned and looked at Newt,  who paused his eating and glared at Thomas, giving him the 'tommy, don't even' face, in which Thomas was soon to shut up.

After I cleaned up breakfast, the bowls, the forks, the cups and wiped down the tables to get rid of the left over crumbs from other meals, I made my way over to the map room since Minho asked me to map out our last run. It was probably around 5:30 when I finished cleaning, mapping and helping the Gladers with some stuff.  I did see Newt glance at my ass a few times which meant my plan was kind of working, but since Newt was looking, a few others did which was not my plan at all. seeing him get all protective like that was funny but cute at the same time. but Newt's protectiveness wasn't the main thing on my mind surprisingly. It was the fact that Alby and Minho weren't back yet, they should've been back by now. Plus is was starting to get dark, which meant to Maze doors are going to close soon. Since my worrying was starting to take over, I went over to the gardens, it took a bit to find Newt since he was in between two big tomato plants, plus, Thomas was there standing in front of him. I scooted pasted Thomas and tapped Newt on the shoulder. " hello, love" he said happily, wiping sweat from his face. " hey" I said quietly, almost a whisper. his joyful expression turned into concern. he pulled me away to the edge of the garden so we could talk. " everythin' okay, love?" he asked while taking my hand in his. "no, Alby and Minho aren't back yet. they should have been back by now. they know better then to stay until the doors are about to close." I started playing with my fingers nervously. his eyes trailed from mine to the maze doors. " yeah, you're right, they shouldn't still be in there.." He said quietly. he squeezed my hand and we started making our way over to the large stone doors. We stood in the front of the doors as the Gladers started coming up and standing by us. We waited for a long time, I'd say about 45 minutes. After a while of waiting, Chuck and a few other boys started to walk back to the Homestead, I was about to turn and walk with them but heard grunts and distant moans of pain coming from the Maze. I turned my head to the large opening and saw Minho, clutching Alby who looked like he'd been attacked by something, Minho was trying to keep him from falling to the ground. And that was when the Maze doors started to close. I froze, I didn't know what to do. I looked over to where my running gear was, glancing back and forth from it to the long corridors of the Maze where Minho was starting to drag Alby. my breath got heavier, I couldn't leave Minho, one of my best friends, and Alby who came up in the box with me three years ago. The doors were about 3 feet from each other when I decided to make my run for it. I quickly ran to my gear and grabbed it faster then I've ever grabbed anything in my life, And I ran into the Maze. "Y/N!!" I heard Newt yell from the Glade, the doors only inches apart, and me running in between the two crushing walls. I turned around, I used the last few seconds to say four words;  "I love you Newt!" and then, the doors shut, leaving me, Minho and a half-dead Alby stuck in the Maze for the night...

{y'all, I'm actually really proud of this part, tell me what you guys think of Part 4!}

{Word count: 2445}

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