30. Ansson

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Ansson adjusted the ropes on his ship before falling into the water with a shout.

I scoffed. "You sure that's the same kid?"

Dagur still looked apprehensive. "Hmm..." Dagur took a deep breath before leading the way onto the fishing ship. "There he is! Ansson the Abominable!"

"Oh, well, if it isn't Dagur the Dainty," Ansson teased.

Snotlout and Fishlegs started laughing but quickly attempted to stifle themselves.

Dagur chuckled. "Yeah. Nobody calls me that anymore, Ansson, now that I'm chief and all."

"Oh, is that right?" Ansson asked. "What brings you to the docks, Chief Dainty?"

Dagur chuckled awkwardly, looking uncomfortable. "Uh, hey, when we were kids, Ansson, you borrowed something from me..."

"I took a lot of things from you," Ansson said.

"While there may be some truth to that, there is one little thing that I kind of need back. It's no big deal. Just a decorative glass doohickey with a metal rim."

"Yeah, yeah, I remember that thing," Ansson said. "I used to set things on fire with it. I may still have it around here somewhere, Dainty."

Dagur groaned if frustration.

I set my hand on Dagur's shoulder. "Let's just take it."

"No, Mouse, I promised-"

"Mouse?" Ansson asked with a smile.

"Excuse me for a minute, Mr. Abominable." Snotlout pulled Dagur aside.

"Mouse the Itty Bitty..." Ansson said mockingly, trying to pull the same thing on me he had with Dagur. "You sure sprouted up, huh. The giant mouse with the squeaky voice. That's a pretty knife," Ansson said as he got closer. "Mind if I-"

He was cut off as I slammed him against his mass with one hand. "It's Mouse the Dragon," I hissed. "And no one touches my knife."

"Mouse!" Dagur yelled. "Put him down!"

I pulled my hand away from his neck. "Yes, Chief," I said pointedly as I stepped off the boat.

Snotlout and Fishlegs glanced at each other.

"Heck yeah," Snotlout cheered. "That's my girl!"

"That was..." Fishlegs smiled. "Impressive..."

"Alright, Ansson," Dagur said. "How about a trade?"

"A trade, Dainty..."

"New fishing nets? Gronckle-iron sword? Gold and silver?"

Ansson shook his head at each.

"Please, Ansson, what do you want?"

"The Thunderfish," Ansson said dramatically.

"The what?" Snotlout asked.

"I want you to help me catch the Thunderfish."

Dagur scoffed. "The Thunderfish is a myth. How are we to help you catch something that doesn't actually exist?"

"Oh, is exists!" Ansson said. "I've seen it. Been chasing that giant for years. It's why they all laugh at me."

"And if we help you catch this Thunderfish?" Dagur asked.

Ansson shrugged. "I'll give you your doohickey, Dainty."

"Fine," Dagur said. "Mouse, Snot, Fish, let's-"

"No," Ansson interupted. "Just you. And the girl isn't allowed on my ship!"

I raised my hand in surrender as the other pinched my throat. "I saw that coming."

"We'll wait here," Fishlegs said.


After a few hours, Ansson's ship returned to the docks, no sign of any fish.

"I don't see no Thunderfish," one man teased loudly.

"Ha! What a shock!" Another responded before they started laughing.

"What happened?" Fishlegs asked.

"The Thunderfish turned out to be a Scauldron," Dagur said in annoyance.

A few of the villagers present in the harbor heard this and laughed at Ansson's lack of knowledge about the dragon.

Ansson began to sulk away in humiliation.

Dagur grabbed Ansson and turned him around. "A Scauldron! A massive, killer dragon whose water-strike burns the skin off your bones," Dagur said dramatically. "Ansson here faced the beast down eye to eye and bravely helped chase it away. Now that it's no longer around to eat the fish, all your nets will be fuller."

"Is this true?" A man asked.

"You dare question the word of your chief?" Dagur yelled. "This man saved my life, and he improved yours."

Snotlout started up a chant. "Ansson! Ansson! Oy! Oy! Oy!" And the the villagers continued it.

Dagur rejoined Fishlegs, Snotlout, and I without the lens.

"Dagur, what about the lens?" Fishlegs asked.

"A Berserker deal is a Berserker deal. We didn't catch a Thunderfish." Dagur smiled. "I didn't earn it."

"Yes, you did," Ansson said throwing the lens to Dagur, "Chief."

"Yes!" Dagur said excitedly. "Let's get back to the Edge.


We regrouped on Dragons Edge late the next day, Astrid and Heather arriving home shortly before Hiccup and the twins. Hiccup and the twins looked like they'd been in a fight. Hiccup gathered us in the main hall to deliver some devastating news; Johann had been playing us for fools.

"So Johann has been playing us all for years," Astrid said. "And the twins are the reason you figured it out?"

Ruffnut chuckled while Tuffnut placed the necklace on Chicken.

"I know," Hiccup sighed. "Hard to believe but it's true."

"And you're sure my lens will help us find this King of Dragons?" Dagur asked.

Hiccup placed the gems in the Dragon Eye. "I hope so."

Dagur sounded hopeful. "So do I, brother. So do I."

Hiccup placed the lense. "Okay. Hit it, bud."

With the gemstones in place, Toothless lit up the Dragon Eye Two. As Hiccup placed the three lens properly, an incomplete set of markings about the King of Dragons begin to project.

"Five different classes..." Fishlegs said.

"And we have lenses for three..." Hiccup said.

Astrid blinked in realization. "First person to find all five lenses-"

"Reveals the location of the King of Dragons," I said, swallowing hard.

"Game on," Hiccup said. "But now, we deal with Johann... we have to tell my father."

Little Mouse, The Giant Dragon (Snotlout X Oc) ⚠️ see description for warningsWhere stories live. Discover now