26. Vanaheim

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"I really hope we find something about Dad on your island of decomposing dragons, Hiccup, for Heather's sake."

'Decomposing dragons?' I wondered. 'Vanaheim?'

"Should I have brought Heather with us? Oh," Dagur set a hand on his chest. "What's that I'm feeling? Ooh. Oh, what is that? Must be guilt. Blah! Ooh, I don't like that."

"Uh," Hiccup said hesitantly, "you said her obsession had become dangerous."

"I said that?" Dagur shrugged. "Sounds about right."

"Then you're doing the right thing," Hiccup said.

It was quite for a moment before Dagur brought his Triple Strike in closer to Razzle. "Oh, Cousin, I heard you were injured a while ago. Are you healing well?"

I nodded, knowing the wind would be too loud for him to hear me.

"Great, great!" Dagur said in that was that said he was doing his best not to yell and scream in anger. "And, uh, what happened to the uh person who hurt you?"

I blinked in thought. That was a good question. I'd been too distracted to ask anyone what happened after. I shrugged.

"Hookfang and Razzle ate him," Fishlegs said. "We couldn't stop them but frankly we didn't try that hard either. Definitely weren't about to try to take a snack from a pair of Monstrous Nightmares while our Nightmare wrangler was loosing blood."

"I'd never seen two dragons bond so well over eating something," Hiccup chuckled.

"Cool," Dagur smiled.

I smiled to myself. That was pretty cool.

"There it is!" Fishlegs yelled suddenly, pointing ahead.

"Alright, gang, here's the plan. We land, look for Oswald, and then cover ourselves in fruit," Hiccup directed.

"Not that I don't appreciate a good fruit bath now and again I mean," Dagur chuckled, "the last one was just... Uh, but I really don't see how it's gonna help."

"To escape, Dagur," Hiccup shook his head. "To escape."

Dagur looked at the perched dragons that appeared to be made of stone. "So those statues are really dragons?"

"Don't worry," Fishlegs said. "They're not gonna bother us on the way in. Maybe on the way out." He stared to lead the way in but was stopped by the sentinel dragons waking, instantly hostile. "Uh, Hiccup?"

Dagur looked at the boys. "Are you guys sure this is the right island?"

"Just ride it out!" Hiccup yelled. "They remember our scent from last time! They know we're not sick dragons. They've-"

"Adapted, I know!" Fishlegs yelled. "It's so fascinating. Waah!"

"Know what else I personally find fascinating?" Dagur yelled angrily. "Not getting killed!"

We retreated from the dragons and hovered just out of reach. Toothless gave a distressed screech at the horizon. "I see them, bud," hiccup said. He pointed at the dragons. "Hey, Fishlegs?

"Are those sick dragons?" Fishlegs asked.

"Must be," Hiccup shrugged.

"Oh! So they're letting those little shifty dragons on but not us? I didn't come all this way not to get Heather some answers. Follow me!" Dagur rushed towards the island and the three of us followed, hoping he had a plan.

Fishlegs was excited as we landed with minimal issue on the island. "That was brilliant, Dagur! You knew the gust of air from the wing clap would slow us down just enough so we wouldn't be smashed to bits."

Little Mouse, The Giant Dragon (Snotlout X Oc) ⚠️ see description for warningsWhere stories live. Discover now