1 - Lorenzo

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A hand coils around my arm with a firm grip. My eyes shot open, burning from the ray of sunshine that slanted through the window, my blurry vision focused on the man hovering above me.

I grab the hand of the man, yanking it off my arm with a twist, he grunts as I pull him down with his twisted arm. I jolts upright, spinning my body, as I use my knee to pin his body to the bed, I pulled out my G17 from underneath my pillow and pointed it at him.

"What the fuck man?" Rian's coarsely voice fills the air, cold with anger. "Get off me."

Gasping, I release my hold on him, my forehead drenched in sweat, my heart racing, my breath rasped in and out of my lungs, my palm shaky. "I could have killed you." I uttered, placing the pistol on the bed, I sat up right with my elbows resting on my thighs, and my face between my hands.

"You're damn right." He scorned.

" What the fuck are you doing here?" I questioned, running my hand over my face.

"It's getting worse Enzo." He said in soft tone.

"I have everything under control." I replied, wiping off the bead of sweat from my head.

" You were struggling." He stated.

The nightmares were getting more intense, they come but never leave, it's like a plague of the night, a curse that I could never run from.

" I'm fine." I exhaled, getting off the bed.


"I said I'm fine." I stated with a stern look, cutting him off whatever he had to say.

He opens his mouth, like he was about to say something, but he is wise enough to shut up and not push further.

I walk past him, heading straight for the bathroom, striping out of my pajama pants as I stepped into the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror, running my eyes over the scares on my body, covered by the tattoos littered along my skin.

With each scars tells a story, a story of my fucked life.

I turned on the faucet, having a quick shower, before changing into a black suit, styling my hair. I stepped out of the room, being greeted by my men as I strut over to the dining room for breakfast.

Mariano, my cousin was already seated at the table with his mother, Carmella, my aunt, she is in her late 40′s, married thrice. She met her first husband Donatello, at a party held by my father, they fell in love and got married after a week. She had Mariano in their first year of marriage, then two years later, Donatello was diagnosed with Testicular cancer, he died after battling cancer five years later. After Donatello's demise, she discovered she was pregnant with Antonio and Angelo.. Having the twins helped her through the lose of Donatello.

She met her second husband Michael, at a bar when the twins turned 6. They fell in love at first sight, got married after two months of courting. Then 7 years in their marriage, she came home one night after a job, and caught him with another woman.

Let's just say, it wasn't a mistake they both lived to regret.

And then comes Leonardo, her third husband, they have been together for ten years, she met him on a job. He was meant to kill her, but instead he fell for her. They have been together ever since.

Leonardo glance up at me, as he was busy typing away on his phone, he nods curtly at me as a sign of respect that he acknowledged my presence.

"Morning Enzo." He greeted.

"Morning Leo." I replied, taking my seat at the head of the table.

"I heard your nightmares are getting worse." Carmella said.

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