8 - Club

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Without a word, Mr. Handsome seized my hand and swiftly guided me to a secluded corner. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my face was against the wall, his hard body pressing against mine. And it wasn't just his body that was hard.

His hand coiled around my neck, his touch sending electric sparks across my skin as he caressed my jaw, my chin, and finally my lips. "Looking for me, gattino?"( Kitten) he murmured in a deep voice, his thick accent sending shivers down my spine and causing my thighs to clench together involuntarily.

I didn't fully understand what he just called me, but in that moment, it didn't matter.

"Y-yes," I stuttered out in response.

"Congratulations, gattino, you've got my attention," he murmured, his warm breath teasing the delicate skin of my neck as he placed his hand on my hip. "Tell me, why are you looking for me?" he whispered, leaning in so close that his nose brushed against the shell of my ear. My body shuddered with desires I never knew I had as he spoke.

 My body shuddered with desires I never knew I had as he spoke

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"What is it? Tell me, what is it you want from me?" he asked in a thick, gruff voice. "Don't be shy." His fingers traced a slow path around my thigh, sending shivers down my spine, before inching closer to the edge of my desire. My breath hitched and my core clenched as I felt his teasing hand draw further, his fingers stroking my inner thigh, tantalizingly close yet not where I desired him the most. "I won't fucking go further until you say so," he whispered before squeezing my pussy.

"Fucking hell! No panties," he exclaimed, sounding surprised and pleased all at once. "Just say the words, gattino, and I'll have you cum, over and over again until your little pussy can't take it," he promised, parting my pussy lips open with his skilled fingers.

I let out a moan, arching my back and leaning against his sculpted chest. My arm wrapped around his neck, fingers delving into his silky hair, as my ass grinded against his pelvis. I felt his cock twitch in response, his grip tightening as my wobbling knees grew weak.

"How am I supposed to give you what you want if you don't use your words, baby girl?" he groaned.

"I want y-you," I whimpered.

He chuckled darkly. "Good girl."

He rubbed my clit for a few seconds before pushing his thick finger inside my slippery core without warning. I gasped, bucking my hips as I felt a light pain, but it quickly dissipated.

My moan was suppressed by the thumping music filling the air, as I felt an electrifying tingle of excitement spread through my body when he inserted his finger into me, trying to get used to the feeling.

Then he added a second, and I whimpered at the stretch.

"So fucking tight," he growled, and I panted as he pumped his finger in and out. "Your pussy feels so good." I moaned in response, and he smirked, loving my reaction. Without warning, he slipped a third finger into me, stretching me open. My stomach flipped and my core clenched around his fingers as my legs buckled. If it wasn't for his tight grip on my thigh, I would have fallen face-flat against the wall.

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