2 - Valerie

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The sky was dark-grey, the winds picked up, and the big clouds looked like it could burst at any point, as the air felt cool on my skin

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The sky was dark-grey, the winds picked up, and the big clouds looked like it could burst at any point, as the air felt cool on my skin.

Going to work today was probably a bad idea, but damn I needed the money.

I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather up in the sky. Droplet of moisture began dripping from the sky, getting the first splutter of rain when I was halfway across the street.

I hated getting drenched in the rain.

People began running for cover, and umbrellas were open as the clouds sputtered out their dewdrop of water, and cars honking.

A tinted Mercedes Benz car drove pass me in a flash, splashing dirty water on me.

"Asshole." I cursed, taking a look at my shirt.

I have no idea why rich people tend to act like jerks. The person couldn't even stop to apologize for ruining my shirt.

The rainfall became more intense, swishing of my skin as I ran closer to the Café.

Out of breath, I arrived at the door of the Café. I hurriedly walked inside, getting a few glance from the customer, resisting the urge to yell, What? Never seen a girl get drenched before.

I knew I looked hideous, with my hair wet and sticky all over my head, my make-up running down my face, like a bride dumped at the alter, and my clothes were not any better, as my once white shirt clings to my breast, leaving no room for imagination, as it left my black bra on display. All I wanted to do was just get back home, take a hot shower, grab a cup of hot coco, while watching Netflix, and then snuggle into a warm blanket.

I scanned the room, for any trace of the manager. Eleanor Mitchell, she is in her early forties, with blonde straight hair, busty, and tall. She was anything, but definitely not nice. Eleanor, or better still the Witch, like I love to call her, was the manger of the Café, and an annoying one at that.

Trisha, a colleague of mine waved at me, motioned for me to come in. "Thank you." I mouthed to her, as I hurriedly strode over to the changing room provided for the staff, only to see my two best friends, who also happen to be my colleagues.

We all work as bakers in this café. Melisa and I have known each other for years, but Katherine joined the café a year ago, and then there is Ray, the fourth member and only guy among us.

"What happened to you?" Kat asked the moment I stepped in.

"The rain." I mumbled, as I began unbuttoning my shirt.

"Why didn't you just take the bus?" Mel asked, handling me a towel.

"I missed the bus ." I shrugged, wiping off the water from my hair.

"Oh you poor thing." Kat cooed, as she walks closer to me and she pulls me into a warm hug.

"You're gonna get wet." I said, pulling away from the hug. "And besides, I'm fine." I mumbled, hating the look of pity in her eyes.

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