6 - Plus one

135 2 0

My phone buzzed once more, resting on the bathroom counter as I applied my makeup. Sliding the answer icon to the left, I picked up the call, putting it on speaker. With one hand on the phone, I grabbed my mascara, swiftly applying it to my eyelids with the brush.

"Good girl..." He paused. "Now swallow," a voice spoke from the other end.

I frowned, glancing down to check the name on the screen.

"Ray?" I called out.

"Yeah.. Hmm." He groaned.

Was he doing what I think he's doing?

"RAYMOND!." I yelled, feeling disgusted.

I can't believe he's calling me, while getting his dick sucked.


"What?" He groaned.

"You know, some of us have better things to do in the morning," I remarked, picking up the red lipstick to apply to my chapped lips.

"Yeah, everyone but me," he sighed. "Feeding a toddler is like the hardest job I've ever done."

"Oh, so that's what you're doing?" I mumbled.

Laughter erupted from the speaker, filling my ears. "What did you think I was doing?" he said afterward.

I could almost picture the smirk on his lips.

Ray and I have been best friends since high school. He's the epitome of every girl's dream, with his blonde hair, grey eyes, perfect arched lips, and a lanky body that's sure to make anyone drool.

After moving in with grandma, Vincent and I started at a new school. Being the smallest in the class, I often found myself targeted by the bullies.

One afternoon, after class, I ran into the meanest girl in class, Sasha, and accidentally spilled my soda on her. Enraged, she and her gang of bullies attacked me in the hallway, beating me mercilessly. It was then that Melissa and Ray stepped in to defend me. From that moment on, we became the best of friends.

Melissa has always been the most daring among us three, while Raymond excelled in intelligence. I tended to be the least physically strong among us.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Val," he said, teasingly. "Though I wouldn't mind what you were thinking."

"Shut up," I chuckled. "Whose kid is that?" I asked, giving myself a final glance in the mirror before exiting the bathroom.

"Sarah's," he said, accompanied by the soft sound of a little giggle. "She caught the flu," he explained.

Sarah was Raymond's younger sister. She had married her high school crush, Charles, after dating for four years. They tied the knot two years ago, and earlier this year they became a trio when they welcomed a beautiful baby girl.

"Ah, so you're babysitting?" I asked, slipping on my black skirt.

"It seems that way," he sighed.

"So, why the early morning call?" I asked, grabbing my blouse from the bed.

"Do you remember Shaun? My cousin, the one you had a crush on?" he stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I do."

"He's getting married next weekend," he said.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked, buttoning up my blouse.

"It's a plus one kind of wedding."

"And you want me to go with you," I stated

"Yes, please," he pleaded.

Caught in a messWhere stories live. Discover now