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Valeri's pov

My life wasn't a fairy tale. When I turned fourteen, my grandma died, and things became tough. Vincent and I were sent to an orphanage home. When Vincent came of age, he had to leave the orphanage, with a promise that he would come back for me. True to his word, he returned after two years.

When I turned eighteen, Vincent left to join the force. I had to fend for myself, working two shifts just to make ends meet.

Now that I'm twenty-two and on the verge of completing my business degree, to add to the mix, my brother is halfway across the country, doing God knows what. I can barely recall the last time I saw him.

Luckily for me, the day wasn't as bad as my life. It had gone better than I had imagined. Working as a waitress wasn't an easy job; there are times you get yelled at by shitty customers for absolutely nothing. They just want to exercise their power over you, wanting you to feel intimidated, like you amount to nothing.

Kat's shift ended two hours ago. She had to go visit her sick mother at the hospital. I should be with her, but I couldn't, since I was stuck with Miss Two-Face's bitch shift.

I sighed, my gaze fixed on the large clock hanging on the wall near the window. My eyes followed the seconds hand, wishing I had the power to make time go faster. It was 6pm—only two hours left until we closed for the day—but it felt like an eternity. Don't get me wrong, I love working here, but I couldn't wait to get out of this damn uniform.

The door pulled open, and a man stepped in. He stood at about 6′1, muscular, with sandy brown hair and olive skin—undeniably attractive. Dressed in a white T-shirt and a brown suit that matched his suit pants, along with brown leather pointed shoes, he exuded effortless style. He paused for a moment, his right hand tucked into his front pocket, scanning the room for an empty table.

He stepped towards the empty table by the window side and sat down, gazing out the window to take in the view of the beautiful sunset.

He stepped towards the empty table by the window side and sat down, gazing out the window to take in the view of the beautiful sunset

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I think he felt the intensity of my gaze burning a hole in his back, because he suddenly glanced back and caught me staring. Then, he flashed me a smile. A million-dollar smile.

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