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The beads of sweat on my forehead and jawline felt like tiny rivulets, tracing a path down my chest as they dripped onto the bed. My hands trembled with a nervous energy, the muscles tense and unsteady, while my eyes remained wide open, refusing to blink as if afraid to miss a single moment.

"FUCK!" I cursed, jolting awake from the nightmare, her screams still echoing in my mind. With a shaky breath, I rubbed my hand over my face, trying to shake off the lingering remnants of the dream.

My eyes darted to the ticking noise of the second hand, the harsh reality of the early morning hour glaring back at me—it was just 2:45 am. Knowing that sleep would elude me, I resolved to channel my restless energy into something productive.

With a determined sigh, I changed into a more suitable outfit and made my way to the gym, seeking solace in the rhythmic pulse of the weights and the adrenaline rush of a rigorous workout.




A week later.

The morning arrived sooner than anticipated, sunlight streaming through the windows of my office as I settled into the familiar comfort of my ivory leather chair. With a practiced motion, I pulled open my laptop, the soft hum of the machine filling the quiet space as I logged in and navigated to my files.

Clicking on a file name, I delved into the task at hand, my focus sharp and unwavering as I immersed myself in the intricacies of the project before me. Amidst the sea of data and documents, the soft clink of a cigarette lighter caught my attention, and I glanced down to see the packet laid out on my desk.

Taking a cigarette between my lips, I ignited the flame and took a quick drag, the familiar taste of smoke filling my lungs as I exhaled slowly.

A knock on the door draws my attention from the screen.

"Come in," I ordered, my voice firm and commanding as I tore my gaze away from the glowing screen of my laptop.

"Morning, Capo," Stefano and Cortez greeted in unison as they entered the room.

I offered a brief nod in acknowledgment of their presence before getting straight to business. "Where is it?" I asked, my tone clipped as I flicked the spent ashes from my cigarette into the ashtray, my focus shifting entirely to them.

"Here they are," Cortez said, handing over the files that Stefano and he had been working on the previous night. He placed a blue file on my desk, drawing my attention to it.

I took the blue file and glanced at it briefly before turning my attention to the other files in my hand. "What are these?" I inquired, flipping through the pages to get a better understanding of their contents.

"Accounts requiring your signature, boss," Stefano responded, sinking into the sofa with a casual air. "Funds for the AMO."

"Okay," I acknowledged with a nod, taking another puff of my cigarette as adrenaline surged through my veins. "Anything on George?" I inquired, exhaling a cloud of sweet smoke into the air as I awaited their response.

"Si, Capo," Cortez responded, opening a file labeled "Jefferson George" with bold lettering. "He is proving to be a problem, Capo," Cortez grunted, retrieving a cigarette from his pant pocket and lighting it up. "He's threatening to spill to the Feds." He took a drag from his cigarette, the end glowing bright before he exhaled a plume of smoke. "I say we pay that little fucker a visit and shut him up permanently."

" I second that ." Stefano agreed, sitting straight on the sofa.

" Che cosa sono stai aspettando ragazzi? "( What are you waiting for boys?) I growled in frustration, crushing the butt of my cigarette into the ashtray.

Caught in a messWhere stories live. Discover now