Secrets don't make Friends

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The sun had gone down and it was roughly 10:30 pm when I opened the door back to the pilots sleeping areas. I made sure to stay silent on my way to my room, opening the door and shutting it behind me. I leaned on the doorway for a moment, reveling in the memories of tonight. Something in my heart felt lighter, happier.

I pushed off the door, coming around the corner from the door nook and noticing a large figure sitting in the chair of my desk. I nearly jumped out of my skin, gasping in surprise.

"Jeez Jake you scared the shit out of me." I let out a large breath of relief as I flipped the lights on. I noticed he had a stuffed animal in his hands. He lifted it up and looked at me through his brow.

"This is adorable."

"Give me that!" I demanded, snatching the stuffed wolf from his hands and bringing it closer to my body protectively.

"Don't touch him." I grumbled, gently tossing the animal onto my bed.

Hangman chuckled and shook his head at me.
"I didn't take you for the stuffed animal type."

"My mom gave it to me, so forgive me for wanting to keep it." I snapped back at him. That shut him up quick, clearing his throat and swiveling back and forth awkwardly in the chair.

I sat down on my bed facing Hangman, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Did you come in here to rummage through my things or is there another reason you're being a total creep." I asked sassily, tilting my head to the side to wait for him to answer.


I rolled my eyes, flopping back on my bed dramatically.
"Really, this?"

"Yes this, I'm worried."

"What is there to be worried about? Bradley wouldn't hurt a fly."

"There's a reason he doesn't have a girlfriend y/n. Or that he isn't engaged or married by now and he's almost 40."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, sitting back up in my bed and looking at him. I leaned my elbows on my knees.
"What's that supposed to mean?"

Hangman grunted as he shifted his sitting position to the same as me, looking at me. I saw something in his eyes; Genuine concern. This made my heart beat faster, worry starting to cascade over me.
"Bradley's last relationship ended very poorly. He had dated this girl for three years. Proposed to her and everything. They were engaged for a little over 6 months. And then the night before the wedding, he vanished. Blocked her number, her family, anyone who had any contact with her and he left. I don't know where he went but I'm assuming that's how he ended up here."

My heart dropped hearing this story. It was almost unbelievable, it didn't sound like Bradley at all. It didn't, seem to me at least, that he was that kind of person.
"How do you know this?"

"Believe it or not I was invited. I got a call 4 hours before that the wedding was called off. A mutual friend of ours was a groomsman and he told me the rest of the information."

I stared at hangman, processing the information I was hearing very carefully.
"How do I know you're not lying to me."

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"You've always had it out for me since Top Gun."

"Yeah I've pushed your buttons but have I ever lied to you?"

I sat in shocked silence. I didn't want him to be right, but he was. I can't think of a time where he has lied to me about something.
My emotions were conflicted, I felt my heart torn between what to believe. Before I could say anything else, Hangman slapped his hands on his knees and pushed off to stand up.

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