All is Fair

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Loud pounding on the door along with a muffled voice woke me up. My head throbbed of a hangover, pounding so hard my eyes hurt. I groaned, taking the pillow underneath my head and flipping it over my face for cover.

The pounding still continued, more persistent than last time.
"Rooster." I grumbled through the pillow. Not even a movement.

I lifted my pillow up just enough to see Roosters sleeping body, not moving at all.
"Rooster." I said a little louder. Nothing happened. Man, he slept like a rock.

I took the pillow from my head and smacked him in the face with it. Rooster jumped awake with a gasp.
"Rooster. The door." I groaned in agony, pulling the blanket over my head.

I heard rooster mutter under his breath and the weight from his side of the bed lifted. I stayed in my secluded blanket hole as the pounding continued.

"I'm coming!" He yelled at the door as he stumbled to slip his boxers on. I popped my head out from under the blanket long enough to give him a jab.
"You already did."

I quickly covered my head with the blanket again just in time for me to feel a thump. I removed my head from the blanket and grabbed the pillow that rooster had thrown at me and put it behind my head.

"Mav? What the hell?"

My eyes widened into shock. My heart dropped into my stomach and suddenly I thought I might be sick. I sunk a little further into the bed and did my best to cover my face.

I heard heavy footsteps come from the hallway and saw a flash of a person walk by.
"Have you seen y/n?" His voice echoed around the walls of the room. 

"Sure. Come on in." I heard Rooster say sarcastically.

"Her car is still at the base but there's no sign of her anywhere. I thought surely hangman would know where she was but he didn't seem to know either." Maverick sounded panicked, like he was truly worried.

Rooster walked by the bedroom door and leaned in and grabbed the doorknob. He mouthed 'be quiet' to me before shutting the door.
I felt safer behind the closed door. I reached for my phone and to check for messages.

I cursed myself, putting my phone down and deciding not to answer Hangman

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I cursed myself, putting my phone down and deciding not to answer Hangman. I was a little mad at Phoenix for telling him but I wouldn't want him to worry about where I was.

"I don't know, I've kind of been out all night." I faintly heard rooster say. I slowly crept out of bed, wrapping myself in a smaller throw blanket and making my way towards the door to eavesdrop.

"You went out? It looks like you stayed and drank. You look like shit."

"Aw, thanks Mav."

There was silence for a brief moment and the sounds of heavy booted feet walking on the wooden floors.
"Seriously, what did you do here?"

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