Our House

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I stood near the doorway as Bradley and Jake stalked confidently into the depths of the bar. This was one of the only times I had seen them get along, seen them willing to work together.

My heart raced with anger and anxiety. I didn't want to have to face my student again, I was angry he thought he could get away with it but being in his presence still brought back that small amount of fear that I felt.

I circled the bar in order to get close enough to hear what the two men were saying. Bradley had hung back to talk to Penny. I assumed he was telling her what happened by the way she glared at my former student.

On the other hand, Jake had made himself comfortable behind the bar, strolling in like he owned the place. His arms collided with the table causing the whole bar top to shake. I watched as Ghost lifted his head to look into the eyes of his teacher.

"Hey there Ghost." Jake said casually as he gripped ghosts beer glass in his hand, sliding it over to himself and taking a drink from it. Ghosts face turned sour with disgust and distaste.

"Lieutenant Commander." Ghost grumbled.

Somehow Jake seemed to lean further into the table, a smirk growing on his face.
"Oh man," Jake sucked his teeth.
"That sure is a nice shiner you got there. What happened?"

Ghost had seemed to make the connection as to why Jake was choosing to pick on him. He straightened in his seat and squared off his shoulders, glaring daggers into Jakes eyes.

"None of your fucking business." Ghost growled.

Jakes eyebrows widened upward.
"Woah! That's no way to talk to your commander."
Jake paused, slinking closer to to Ghost over the bar top.
"Of course, that's if you were still part of the program. From what I hear, sounds like you're not anymore."

Ghost shot up, the bar stool from underneath him scooting dramatically across the hardwood. Jake straightened his shoulders back and narrowed his gaze. I had never seen Jake look so angry, so intimidating.

Ghost clenched his fists, looking like he was about to connect with Jakes jaw when he suddenly calmed, stretching his fingers back out.
"Come on, Jake." Ghosts voice lightened, as though he was trying to convince a friend to make a decision.
"I've seen how she is around you. Hell, I thought she was dating to you because of it. She plays around with guys like us' feelings. How was I supposed to know any different?"

I felt my heart tug downward hearing those words. For some reason, I considered whether or not I had done that to Jake, given our conversation we had in the last few weeks. I did have love for Jake but not in that way.

"You we're supposed to know different because your parents should have taught you better."
Bradley's voice was now added to the mix. He stood behind Ghost with his arms cross and eyes narrowed. They were nearly the same height, but Bradley had a lot more bulky muscle than Ghost did, making him look bigger than the other male.

"Don't say shit about my family." Ghost growled while trying to size up to Bradley. Ultimately, he failed because Bradley uncrossed his arms and squared away his shoulders.
"But you get to say shit about mine?" Bradley nearly growled, I could see the anger growing in him.

Ghost finally looked Bradley up and down, a huff of realization escaping his lips.
"So you're the boyfriend, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm the boyfriend."

I smiled a little to myself. I had never heard us use labels before. Truthfully at this age it wasn't as important to me but hearing him say those words made my heart lift. Watching him defend and protect me made me feel safe, seen, and special.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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