Saturday Nights

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One word; exhaustion.

Todays exercise was beyond tiring. It felt like I was flying for days on end. Maverick has been pushing us harder now than ever before.

I shut the door to my room, immediately ripping my hair out of my required bun and giving my scalp a well deserved scratch. I pulled my phone off the charger and looked at the time. It was already 6 o'clock.

"Shit." I cursed to myself, scrambling to pick out an outfit that I thought was suitable for a date. I settled on a pair of loose fitting jeans and my favorite colored tank top. I gathered up those clothes and made a b-line for the showers.

I showered and changed as quickly as possible. My hair was still in a towel as I walked out of the door. As I walked back to my room I saw someone leaning against the wall on their phone.

Rooster looked up as I approached with a smile on his face.
My stomach dropped a little in panic.
"What time is it?" I asked him.

"6:20. I just didn't want to be late."

A smirk slowly rose to my face.
"You're pretty serious about this huh?"

"You said 6:30 sharp. If I was late you might not say yes when I ask you out again."

"When? That's awfully confident Bradshaw."

A mischievous smirk spread across his face, one I hadn't seen before from him. "After tonight, you won't be able to say no."

"I'm scared now."

"Don't be. It'll be great. Go get your head out of that towel." Rooster encouraged me toward the door by placing a hand on my back and pushing. He opened the door to my room and I looked at him suspiciously as I entered.

I took my hair out of the towel and brushed it out. I did my skin and hair care routine before running a brush through the damp mess.
My phone buzzed on the nightstand and let out the annoying alarm noise. As I turned it off there was a knock at the door.

"It's 6:30!" Rooster sang from the other side of the door. I laughed as I walked over and opened it.

"Let's get going then."

We made our way to the parking lot and jumped into Roosters Bronco. He apologized in advance as the place we were going was 45 minutes away. I was a little surprised to hear but I didn't complain. I wasn't the one driving.

After about 15 minutes of intense jamming to 80's classics, Rooster finally sparked a conversation.
"You know, Mav told me he might put us together for the mission."

I raised my eyebrows, showing interest in what he was telling me.

"He thinks that I'll reel you in if you decide to do something stupid." He answered with a small smirk on his face. He looked over at me with his sunglasses still on his head.

"Wow. That's lovely to hear." I laughed.

Rooster chuckled.
"Well it's either me and you or me and hangman."

"Oo, I wouldn't want hangman."

"That's what I'm saying."
We both laughed at our combined distaste for Hangman being our partner.

"I thought we would be getting paired up with a Tandem team?" I questioned.

"There's not enough. We have 4 single cab pilots and only two tandems." Bradley explained.

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