Jet Lag

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After finishing dinner at Mavericks house Bradley and I returned back to his. He held the door open for me as we entered the house.

"I'm sorry about leaving dinner out I'll clean it up." I said as I started to walk down the hallway. My arm was caught by Bradley who spun me around and brought me into a kiss. His lips were filled with a built up passion. I reciprocated it, realizing now how much I had missed the feeling of the tickle of his mustache.

His hands slid down around my hips and grabbed the back of thighs. He lifted me up and held me around his waist while still continuing the kiss. Bradley kicked open the door to the bedroom and took a more secure hold on my body. I laughed as I flew through the air to be slammed onto the bed.

Bradley crawled up on top of me, placing gentle kisses on my neck that made me giggle.
"How could I not have known you looked so good in my shirts."

He swooped down to place a kiss on my lips and I smiled in response. I bit my lip and looked up into his honey brown eyes.
"You think so?" I asked, snaking my hands up around his neck and tangling them in the back of his hair.

Bradley slid his rough hands under the shirt and up the sides of my skin. In between the words he spoke he placed gentle kisses on my lips.
"I know so. But personally, it would look better, disregarded, and on the floor."

Bradley slowly slipped the shirt from my body and off my shoulders and then threw it dramatically onto the floor. I laughed with the largest smile spread across my face. He placed a long kiss on my lips before pulling away and smiling down at me.
"I love you, y/n."

I smiled back up at him, my hands finding their home on either sides of his face.
"I love you, Bradley."


We fell asleep quickly after having sex for the first time since the accident. Bradley was almost as good in bed as he was in the air. Almost.

Although, it felt like as soon as I had fallen asleep the bed stirred next to me. I had gotten used to sleeping along so when I felt the bed shift it caused me to wake up.

I looked over at Bradley who was sitting up in bed now. He was hunched over slightly, His hands supporting him on the edge of the bed.

I flipped around and sat up myself, looking in his direction.
"You okay?" I asked.

He half looked over his shoulder at me and then sighed. "I'm okay sweetheart. Go back to bed."
His words were dry, lacking emotions. Something was off, it was one of those moments where you could just tell. I crawled over to his side of the bed and sat down next to him. I wrapped my arms around his bicep and then placed a gentle kiss on his muscular shoulder.

"Come on, you can tell me." I encouraged.

Bradley reached a hand over and placed it on my thigh, giving me a gentle squeeze.
"I just can't sleep."

"Jet lag?" I asked.

Bradley shook his head.
"No, I just- I hate the feeling I have after coming home from a mission. I only did low level bombings on buildings but still. I feel bad, it doesn't feel good anymore. It makes me feel like a horrible person."

It was becoming more clear to me that the toll of the back to back missions was wearing on his mental health. I was afraid he might be experiencing pilot burnout. It would be a shame for the Navy to lose such a good pilot. Of course, I understand the feeling. I wouldn't want him to continue to suffer.

I sucked my teeth a bit in thought.
"How about you come teach with me? Come help me with the sessions at top gun. Teaching pilots might be a nice change."

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